Recent content by Sporonicle

  1. S

    Herping in Australia

    I was thinking of going to australia, and was wondering where the best place to find geckos and varanids is.
  2. S

    Plexiglass and heat pads

    Has anyone put a uth on plexiglass? I'm building a plexiglass cage, and I have to heat it up during the winter for my sarasinorum. Will the plexi melt? If so, I have another method that will work.
  3. S

    Pachydactylus scutatus

    I was wondering what their care is like and if anyone could post picks of their setups. Thanks in advance.
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    Help me make a decision

    I'm planning to get a uroplatus some time in the future and I can't seem to be able to make a decision on one species. I really like sikorae and pietschmanni but I've found contradicting information on whether they are easy to keep or not. Thanks for your help.
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    Rhacodactylus Range

    What is the natural range of all of the rhacodactylus species?
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    Best place to find rhacs in New Caledonia?

    What is the best place to find rhacs in New Caledonia?
  7. S

    Australian Reptiles in California

    I was just wondering if you would be able to have Australian reptiles such as Varanus, Chlamydosaurus kingii, and Australian Geckos in escape proof cages in your backyard in California.
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    Mass Lizard Extinction

    I figured this might be important since it is going to hit Madagascar pretty hard. Mass Lizard Extinctions Looming; Global Warming Blamed
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    What fruits do crested geckos like?

    I was wondering what sort of fruits Crested Geckos like? I was thinking of letting them eat a small slice as a treat.
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    Great Stuff question

    Does Great Stuff permanently stick to glass? If not would I be able to spray it directly on the glass?
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    Teratoscincus substrate

    What are some substrates that I could use for teratoscincus species other than sand?
  12. S

    Day Gecko Feeding?

    Can you keep most day geckos mainly on repashy with insects at least twice a week?
  13. S

    What to feed baby Pictus Geckos

    Could I feed baby pictus geckos mealworms or do I have to feed them crickets? The reason I'm asking is because my parents don't want to deal with the crickets.
  14. S

    Exo Terra Monsoon Mister

    What do you guy think about he Exo Terra monsoon auto mister?
  15. S

    Picta terrarium size

    Could a Pictus gecko fit in a 12x12x12 exo-terra?