Recent content by Rhacryce

  1. R

    A few more hatchling Pics

    These guys are beefy right from the get go. Tarentola gigas Adult Ptyodactylus hasselquistii Hatchling Adult female
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    I had a couple of geckos hatch over the weekend and was able to catch one breaking free. These guys don't like sitting still but cooperated just long enough,the trick is not to blink.BOBBY S.roosevelti,about 3 weeks old now S.nicholsi just after hatching Older juvenile These guys are very...
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    I'm hoping to find some good eggs anyday now,this will be a first for me and I'm hoping to hatch out and raise up a few males.BOBBY
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    I caught these guys going at it just after lights out and the male was doing work,enjoy.BOBBY
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    I caught this female dropping me a little gift.BOBBY
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    A couple of hatchlings

    These are a few species that have hatched within the last couple of weeks.BOBBY P.mad.mad P.kochi P.l.angularis P.comorensis P.dubia
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    That's what I'm talking about!!!

    Caught in the act. Copulation occurred within 5 mins of introduction and was over in about half that.BOBBY
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    Locked up and gettin er done!!!

    Came home just in time to catch them in the act,she got punished.
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    This gal almost took my finger off while I took her pic.
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    I caught this girl just before she dropped her pay load. Before During I'll post some pics if and when they hatch to complete the cycle.BOBBY
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    Gehyra oceanica

    My girl friend surprised me with a box of geckos for my B-day a couple of weeks ago and I was surprised to see this little guy in the mix,I was even more surprised when she knew the species name,just don't ask her to spell it. I gotta give thanks to my good friend who helped her plan this little...
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    Homopholis whalbergi

    She just finished laying a clutch in the tube and finally decided it was safe to come out,after about 4 hours.BOBBY
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    These are a couple of this years hatchlings,cool little geckos.BOBBY
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    I'm glad I didn't sell these guys,I just got my first clutch last night. Pretty female