I am considering getting some of the smaller (12x12x20) or maybe a little larger precision cages for adult eyelash vipers and squamiger. Anyone have any feedback about the quality of these cages. How do they compare to the BARRS cages?
I am considering getting an animal plastics shoe box rack for hatchling-juvenile rhacodactylus. Has anyone tried these out? I use the clear iris shoeboxes from the container store which are great for little arboreals. The clear lids allow you to snap them on while keeping track of the geckos...
I was just curious about the castelnaui for all you keepers out there. How handleable are these geckos? Are they skittish and drop their tails easily or do they tolerate handling very well? How big do they get? I have seen a few pics of some high orange animals with huge fat tails and they...
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