Elizabeth Freer
Well-known member
To find an interesting link scroll through Linked Gecko Care Articles, #2, below. Then simply click that specific link to find the text.
Join Geckos Unlimited today for the inside scoop on leos & other geckos!
Cheers to all Geckos Unlimited members whose inquiries & suggestions encourage me to add additional recommendations all the time!
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To view click Leopard Gecko Setup, not the arrow:
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Eublepharis macularius was first described by zoologist Edward Blyth in 1854.
Leopard geckos are actually cathemeral geckos. They are active at dusk, during the night, and at dawn. Leos are also thigmotherms. A leopard gecko's preferred body temperature (PBT) = 86*F. That's 30*C.
Leopard geckos don't have endolymphatic sacs which store calcium like some other gecko species do.
All it takes is knowledge & care to provide state-of-the art technology for our leopard geckos! When you use UVB for a leo's enclosure, a leopard gecko will thrive! That's really just the first step.
(1) Quarantine Recommendations
Any new gecko should be quarantined for a minimum of 90 days. That gives adequate time to check for parasites, cryptosporidiosis, & the beginnings of coccidia plus. 3-6 months quarantine are recommended if your new gecko is imported or wild caught.
(2) Never keep two male leopard geckos together!
(3) Best to Keep Leopard Geckos Separately Caution: graphic photos!
Leopard geckos are solitary creatures. Handling stresses out leos. Leopard geckos do not benefit from either a mate of the opposite sex or a "friend" of the same sex. Leos of different sizes should not be kept together. It's simply not worth the risks.
Contributed by orbela in Jan 2014. May 2011 article ===> Leopard gecko swallows smaller leopard gecko.
Click: https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:2WP-kr_7uzEJ:www.herpetologynotes.seh-herpetology.org/Volume4_PDFs/Bonke_et_al_Herpetology_Notes_Volume4_pages211-212.pdf+natural+history+Eublepharis+geckos&hl=en&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESggtkgUOZDfMS_wr2hIrjdkwkNsVQ4Gw47qnzmfVfR6AYNf4Mn7o2FZhy77hRVYZ011I0lMB6fZ9nDONKEBJBTVd4JM0Uv-VVof5tuEc_RqAPufOc5mXGsX7XciVoCnWo6FBy6R&sig=AHIEtbRfaIYuPGifPrRIebPOrE75crIJ2Q
Contributed by Saskia in May 2013. These photos show the grave condition of a female leopard gecko the morning after the pair had been introduced for breeding. The breeder assumed that this male-female pair would get along. Clearly this was NOT the case.
Warning: GRAPHIC
Click: https://www.geckosunlimited.com/community/threads/69423
Much smaller leo bitten by giant leo causing a broken leg:
Click: https://www.geckosunlimited.com/community/threads/71950
(4) Sexing Leopard Geckos
For an image click: Sexing Leopard Geckos
A leopard gecko's sex can be confirmed when that leo is over 5 inches (12.7 cm) in total length. That may happen when a leo nears 6 months old. Males can be distinguished from females by a distinct /\-shaped row of femoral pores above the vent & by two hemipenal bulges below the vent. To see their vents, potential male femoral pores, & hemipenal bulges gently press their bodies against glass. They will squirm IF you turn them over.
Added 17 November 2022: Giorgos Makrakis shares that males have small black spots on the /\-shaped femoral pore line. At its size (over 5 inches/12.7 cm) males also would have developed at least slight swellings below the vent that indicate 2 hemipenal bulges.
(5) Looking for an experienced reptile veterinarian for your geckos?

(cllck to enlarge)
On a small scale let's strive to replicate a leopard gecko's natural habitat. The larger your enclosure, the more exercise your leopard gecko will get!
A 20 gallon LONG enclosure (30 x 12.5 x 12.5 inches high; 76.2 x 31.75 x 31.75 cm high) = ample length for medium-size adult leopard geckos' thermal gradients. It's excellent for a hatchling leopard gecko too. Zilla makes a front-opening enclosure that's 30 x 12 x 16 inches high.
A 20 gallon LONG is minimum size for a medium-sized female adult leo (~9 inches total length & ~70 grams) or perhaps a male. For a larger leopard gecko choose either an Exo Terra enclosure 36 x 18 x 12 inches (90 x 45 x 30 cms) or a 40 gallon breeder enclosure (36 x 18 x 17 inches).
For a ground dwelling reptile such as a leopard gecko, a minimum enclosure length 4x the leo's total length is highly desirable. Leopard geckos reach about 8 inches long at 1.5 years old. The average leopard gecko is 9 inches total length at maturity. So that's 4 x 9 = 36 inch long tank.
Exo Terra makes a glass enclosure 36 inches long x 18 (actually just 16 ??) inches wide x 12 inches tall with front doors.
Wooden/Melamine Enclosures
Heat + light = the sun
Avoid direct sunlight on the enclosure. Direct sunlight will cause potentially deadly overheating. Overhead bulb wattages vary depending upon the ambient room temperatures!
Leopard geckos benefit greatly from a "warm zone", not just a "warm spot". Your leopard gecko's entire body should fit within each temperature zone. If not, over time health problems can develop. Air temperatures within the enclosure are just as important as belly heat for keeping your leo active!
For enclosures 30 inches and longer consider Arcadia's ShadeDweller lighting which was developed in 2018. Be sure to add the UVB lighting to the warm end of the enclosure.
Elevate your entire enclosure 1/4 inch to 1/2 inch off the stand to prevent house fires!!! For larger enclosures elevate the enclosure at each corner and at center edges! Use sticky chair pads, Pink Pearl erasers, sturdy bottle caps, small tiles, or wooden blocks. Wrought iron stands support the periphery of the tank, but are completely open on the bottom.
Heat cables work better for vivs with different dimensions than standard heat mats. The first 6 feet of heat cables are actually not heated.
(1) Under Tank Heat mat (UTH)
Your Under Tank Heat mat should cover about 1/2 the enclosure's floor. Place one dry hide and the moist hide right on top of the heat mat.
(2) Consider Arcadia Reptiles' Deep Heat Projector plugged into a pulse proportional thermostat set on the "dimming" function. DHPs are manufactured in 50 watt and 80 watt bulbs.
(3) Consider Arcadia Reptiles' ShadeDweller lighting which was developed in 2018. From what I understand, these fixtures come in a couple different lengths.
(4) Fluker's Repta-Clamp Lamp/Dome with Ceramic Heat Emitter (CHE) Click this one: http://www.amazon.com/Flukers-Repta-Clamp-Lamp-Switch/dp/B0002DHODQ It also comes with an inline dimmer/rheostat.
A photoperiod is all about mimicking lighting (& heating) a particular reptile would experience in its natural environment. Short of having an expensive computer-controlled system that tweaks the lighting second by second, well minute by minute anyway, we can only approximate this goal.
Hagen/Exo-Terra's Night-Glo Moonlight bulb is recommended for night viewing, but only for a couple hours. It's visible to geckos. Its purpose is to mimic moonlight. This moonlight bulb comes in these wattages: 15, 25, 40, 50, 75, 100, & 150 watts.

(click to enlarge)
Proper strength UVB rays WILL benefit your leopard gecko. For proper UVB absorption UVB MUST be paired with a side-by-side heat source like a halogen basking bulb whose rays cover this leo's entire body. Supply the correct amount of UVB based upon the Ferguson Zone Index for shade dwelling geckos. "Shade dwelling geckos" includes leopard geckos. Leopard geckos require a Ferguson Zone UVI = 0.5 - 1.0 as measured by a Solarmeter 6.5 or 6.5R. There are "equivalent" meters with different brand names. When depending upon UVB for leopard geckos as a D3 source, Fran Baines, DVM (& lighting guru) strongly recommends supplementing @ 1-2 feedings per month with a good powdered calcium with vitamin D3 as a backup. Make certain there are ample hides so your leo can dodge the rays when he so wishes.
Google the reptile specific Ferguson Zones Chart and check for leopard geckos to be safe with your setup. Use the Solarmeter 6.5R (UVI) to measure the strength of the rays. The Solarmeter 6.5R UV Index Meter has been updated with an attractive, informative graphics displaying the Ferguson Zones Chart at the top of the meter. Last time I checked, the Reptile Supply Company based in Sacramento. California had a good price on Solarmeter 6.5Rs.
(8 ) Exo Terra brand UVB bulbs or ceramic heat emitting bulbs are not recommended.
(9) Hot rocks are very unsafe.
Regarding any colored light bulbs. Use ceramic heat emitting bulbs.
A thermostat controls your under tank heater or overhead dome fixture. It provides your leopard gecko with stable and comfortable temperatures, saves $ on electricity, and lessens the chance of a house fire from accidental overheating.
Separate thermostats are required if you wish to achieve different temperatures with different devices like an UTH and an overhead dome.
Do NOT exceed the maximum wattage of your power strip or thermostat!
Proportional thermostats are more precise.
These are good thermostats:
Both a reliable digital thermometer with a probe and an infrared temperature gun are recommended. A digital thermometer with a probe can measure either the air temperature or the ground temperature, whereas temperature guns measure the precise spot or range where the laser is aimed.
Dial-type (circle-analog) thermometers are very inaccurate. At best they read "ballpark" temperatures Liquid crystal display (LCD) strip thermometers are worthless.
Temperature guns
Click: Digital Hygrometers - Weather Instruments, Weather Radios & Cupolas
Textured slate tile creates excellent, risk-free substrates. Slate is a superior heat conductor. Slate is attractive & permanent. Paper towels can also be used.
~ $30 Tile Cutter
Click: Q.E.P. | 14 Inch Tile Cutter with 7/8 Inch Cutting Wheel | Home Depot Canada
These tips may help a constipated leo:
Geckos Unlimited has numerous reports of leopard geckos, young and older, dying from sand impaction. NEVER use Vita Sand, Calci-sand, or any sand which contains calcium. You do not want your leo eating sand to get calcium!
RIP Leo "Peach":
Click: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.940775562617358.1073741912.207897745905147&type=1
Leo "Geoffrey":
Click: https://www.geckosunlimited.com/community/threads/67388
HUMIDITY & HIDES: 3 Hides per Leopard Gecko
Maintain leopard geckos at humidity between 40-60%. The warm humid hide will have higher humidity than the warm dry hide. A warm humid hide helps geckos with hydration as well as with shedding. Locate the dry hide and the moist hide on the warm end. One (or two) large water bowls help increase humidity.
Misting is NOT recommended for a leo enclosure.
Click: Relative Humidity - CityRating.com
(1) Excellent Warm DRY hide
(2) Click Exo Terra Reptile Caves: Exo Terra : New Reptile Cave / Natural Hiding Place
(3) Amazon's OMEM large terra cotta hide with a basin on top makes the best warm humid hide ever!
(4) Homemade Humid Hide made by GU's wicked gecko (Russ)
"Here's an image of my humid hide made from GladWare. I melted the entrance with a soldering iron, so it's really smooth. I then cut a single piece of aquarium airline tubing a little extra long and split it down the middle. It's on the warm side and filed with Eco Earth's coco fiber. I made the entrance higher up to contain the coco fiber if leo Hiccup decides to dig."
(5) Homemade Humid Hide made by GU's Conched (Matt)
Here's a hide that works OK for the warm humid hide. Matt uses plastic 45 oz Country Crock containers. The lid has a 6 inch diameter. The 45 oz size allows a fully grown Leo to fit comfortably inside.
Use an opaque container. The above ground entrance keeps the substrate inside. Sand or melt the edges of the opening so they are not sharp. Fill it with paper towel strips, sphagnum moss, or Eco Earth's coco fiber -- all dampened.
(6) Leo hides handmade with river rocks by GU's JessJohnson87 For details and photos scroll to post #114 right here.
(7) 23 March 2015: kholtme (Kyle) created a separate thread to share his experience with the Zoo Med's new ceramic model of their 3-in-1 hide.
Avoid vermiculite in the moist hide! Vermiculite in eye & cute picture of leo with eye patch:
Click: https://www.geckosunlimited.com/community/threads/64951.
Cage furniture and silk plant foliage will add security to your leo's micro-environment. For additional privacy, cover the sides and back of the enclosure with construction paper.
Vitamin D3 is crucial to a gecko's diet. Vitamin D3 is a fat soluble vitamin. One weekly dose sticks around in a gecko's body and metabolizes calcium all week long. Some vitamin D3 is often found in the diet we feed the feeders. Usually additional powdered supplementation is necessary. If your leopard gecko has an enclosure at least 4 feet long, UVB lighting is preferred. Even then a backup dose of D3 calcium @ 1 feeding per month is recommended! Without a vitamin D3 source, any leo/gecko is at risk for metabolic bone disease. Too much vitamin D3 is harmful as well. If one uses UVB lighting for a leopard gecko, there should be many places for a leopard gecko to dodge the UVB rays.
Our goal is to provide our geckos with as close to a 1.5-2.0 calcium to a 1.0 phosphorus as is possible. Suggest feeding bugs and worms a healthy dry diet plus certain veggies as the primary source of nutrition. Then lightly dust the prey as the secondary source of vitamins and calcium.
In places like some South American and African countries where plain calcium carbonate powder is unavailable, cuttle bone (sepia bone -- also calcium carbonate) can be shaved off and "chopped".
Edit: 13 July 2012
Relatively recent research suggests that chameleons do not metabolize beta-carotene into vitamin A at all. Does the same apply to geckos?
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Click important research: http://www.timberlinefisheries.com/v/vspfiles/assets/images/finke et al_2005_evaluation of four dry commercial gut loading products for improving the calcium content of crickets.pdf
Use Zoo Med's ReptiVite multivitamins sparingly! A wee pinch no more than 1x per week is all you need!! The directions on both Zoo Med's ReptiVite multivitamins and Zoo Med's Repti Calcium with D3 containers suggest dusting according to your gecko's weight.
Finely grind the following dry diets for crickets (Acheta domestica), Blaptica dubia, and mealworm bedding. Feed it to them 24/7. Off to the side add a dish of chopped collard, dandelion, mustard, and turnip greens for high calcium/low phosphorus and for moisture.
1. Lightly dust prey according to the above schedule. Lightly dust = like a "sprinkling of powdered sugar on a cake"
2. The term gut loading causes some confusion. Feed your feeders a nutritious regular diet all the time to build strong feeder bodies. Feeding your geckos insects and worms whose entire body is healthy (and not just their guts) is very important!
Be sure to check the calcium-to-phosphorus ratio of any food that you feed to the crickets or worms. Carrots, for instance, contain about a 1:2.3 ratio (???) of calcium to phosphorus depending upon the charts.
Amazon carries NOW brand calcium carbonate. NOW brand calcium carbonate is also sold in health food stores. Plain calcium never expires!
***Current directions (16 May 2013) on Zoo Med's Reptivite with/without D3/A acetate
"Directions for Insectivores: Place crickets in a tall plastic container with a wee pinch of Reptivite. Swirl to lightly dust crickets with the powder. Feed approximately 12 dusted crickets per week for every 2.5 ounces (71 grams) of body weight."
Zoo Med's Reptivite contains vitamin A acetate (retinol) in contrast to the beta carotene provided in Rep Cal's Herptivite. There has been research with chameleons which suggests they do not utilize vitamin A in the form of beta carotene.
***In the United Kingdom, Nutrobal all-in-one multivitamin is available for lightly dusting your geckos' prey. It's excellent!
Click: Nutrobal for reptiles
Pro-Rep Calcidust
"Premium Insect Enriching Formula" . . . . . . by KOMODO (made in England)
Click: https://www.komodoproducts.com/
***** Click: FoodData Central [Repair link]
Click: NDL/FNIC Food Composition Database Home Page
Suggested Prey Items
When trying out any new feeder for your leos, order a trial cup.
Feed adult leopard geckos 2 times per week and young leos just about every day. Offer variety selected from the following: crickets, black soldier fly larvae (Phoenix/calci/reptiworms), roaches, silkworms, hornworms, blue bottle fly larvae, mealworm pupae, freshly molted mealworms, & grasshoppers.
To keep crickets in a feeding dish, cut off the back legs at the "knees". Young leos are often clumsy hunters. Slowing down the crickets by cutting off their back legs gives young leos more time to catch them. Loose prey in the tank will be a source of stress to your leo and can even nibble on your leo's toes when the leo is sleeping. It's fine to leave prey in a feeding dish with a pinch of dry diet.
Pinky mice and waxworms are like ice cream for geckos. Waxworms do contain vitamin C. Offer waxworms very infrequently (maybe a couple times per month). Excessive fat in geckos' diets can lead to hepatic lipidosis (fatty liver disease) and gout.
Hydrate &/or soak your gecko prior to feeding, Do not attempt to feed an emaciated/dehydrated gecko till the gecko's hydration status has been assessed by a veterinarian. In order to prevent further damage to the kidneys or liver, let the vet rehydrate your gecko. Only then assist feed.
To get any gecko to open it's mouth brush your finger, a thin dowel, or a stainless steel gavage needle (with a rounded "ball" tip) horizontally past his lips. Stroke gecko's lips -- gecko opens mouth -- then insert water, food, or medicine. Be gentle! Never force the mouth open.
Click: How to assist feed a Leopard gecko?
BEFORE feeding a dehydrated gecko, make sure he/she is hydrated either by mouth or by soaking. Also try offering clear Pedialyte to this gecko prior to ANY food. This gecko could also be soaked in clear Pedialyte. Pedialyte is a good source of electrolytes.
Albers All Purpose Poultry Feed (from feed store): The label reads 16% minimum protein, 3% minimum fat, and vitamin A acetate among many other nutrients!
+ Collard greens -- especially recommended for high calcium-to-low phosphorus ratio & high lutein
+ Dandelion greens & flowers
+ Prickly pear cactus
+ Watercress
Whole Grain TOTAL -- General Mills dry cereal (in a pinch)
The Reptile Supply Company, Inc. now based in Bonham, Texas (info@ReptileSupplyCo.com) sells alfalfa meal, bee pollen, chlorella powder, spirulina powder, and strawberry powder (coarse).
Click: http://www.reptilesupplyco.com/
Avoid feeding dog food, cat food, OR tropical fish flakes to insects or worms. Those are way too high in protein & fat. They could potentially cause hepatic lipidosis or gout.
Avoid feeding freeze-dried/canned crickets to geckos. Geckos get moisture from well-hydrated prey as well as the nutrients such prey provides.
Click here for links to check out almost any food:
New October 2019 link = https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/
NDL/FNIC Food Composition Database Home Page
Feeding Dishes
Join the Facebook group Gecko food! Feeder insects group and the following link will work.
Click: https://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=420810677967088&oid=359607730781688
Finely grind the following dry diets for crickets (Acheta domesticus), Blaptica dubia, & mealworms. Feed it to them 24/7/365. Off to the side add a dish of chopped collard, dandelion (flowers & greens), mustard, & turnip greens for high calcium/low phosphorus & moisture. Make certain your source is pesticide-free!
Cricket Species
Once a day (depending upon the dubias' ages) thoroughly moisten 2 sheets of Scott's Original Blue Shop Paper Towels & then squeeze out excess water. Lay those paper towels right on top of the egg flats. In a room which ranges upwards from 67 F/19.4 C, I keep a 15 watt incandescent bulb in an 8.5 inch diameter reflector dome directly over the screened enclosure & on 24/7. Scott's Original Blue Shop Paper Towels are highly absorbent! This setup produces all size dubia.
***** Do NOT use water crystals to make a gel to hydrate any bug or worm. Water crystals have been found in the guts of deceased animals!
Dubia give birth to live nymphs when temperatures are sufficiently warm. Females have this pointy body part called an ootheca. Babies emerge from the female's ootheca. The males "sprout" wings when they are mature. Mature dubia are way too big for most leopard geckos to eat.
Avoid cross contamination by not returning Blaptica dubia to the dubia tank if they are not eaten. They'll do fine in leopard geckos' enclosures for a few days as long as they are contained within a feeding bowl. Just sprinkle a pinch of dry gutload diet into their bowl.
Do NOT feed Blaptica dubia or any bug or worm any type of dog, cat, puppy, kitten food, or fish flakes no matter how organic! Those foods are excessively HIGH in protein & might cause gout!
Keep the dry gut load diet DRY!
(1) IF you do not want to breed the roaches, keep them around 70*F (21*C) to slow their growth. Eventually, if not fed off, they will grow larger than is safe for a gecko to eat. When ready to gut load them, heat them up between 80-95*F & they will eat like crazy!
That's what I do with my feeders & it works well. My breeders are kept about 90-95*F. They seem to grow 2-3 times faster than the ones I have set aside for feeders." [Tip is thanks to Geckologist.tj in October 2013]
(2) When Blaptica dubia are sexually mature, simply look at them. When they molt past their final instar, they are sexually dimorphic- that is, the males & females have different physical characteristics. The females develop a more noticeable orange color, more obvious than with the nymphs, & will have tiny wing nubs. The males when mature will have full wings upon the final molt.
The males develop their wings immediately during the final molt. Wing size, along with general body size, can sometimes vary, so when you say the males don't seem to have the wings like males should have, they may just have smaller wings than usual. If the wings are covering the length of their backs, then they're adult males.
I read that dubia aren't cannibalistic although it 's difficult to say for sure unless someone were to test this. I know orange head roaches are cannibalistic & even readily eat live insects." [Thanks to GU's Mogey in May 2014]
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Click: Egg Binding (Dystocia) in Reptiles: Causes, Signs, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention
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Scroll down this thread for additional informative posts!
- To find the 100% Leopard Gecko Care Sheet - Geckos Unlimited click this URL: https://www.geckosunlimited.com/com...pard-gecko-care-sheet-geckos-unlimited.55211/ The entire care sheet is visible there, all the way BEYOND link 176!!!
- To find the separate thread Linked Gecko Care Articles click LGCA link OR this URL: https://www.geckosunlimited.com/community/threads/91177/ You will see 176 individual links. [Link 91177 has #1 in the upper right hand corner of the post.]

Cheers to all Geckos Unlimited members whose inquiries & suggestions encourage me to add additional recommendations all the time!
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Please read BEFORE purchasing supplies
- Avoid buying starter kits. This includes either a "10 gallon starter kit" (with or withOUT calci-sand) or a "20 long (30 x 12 x 12 inches high) starter kit". Much of that stuff is useless. Gather your leopard gecko's supplies by becoming an informed consumer.
- PetCo frequently has half-price enclosure sales. That makes a 20 gallon long (30 x 12 x 12 inches tall) = $24.99 in July 2021. One can't beat this sale to purchase your initial enclosure or to give your leo an upgrade!!!
- ***** Zilla makes a front-opening "20 long": 30 x 12 x 16 inches tall. IF you plan to use UVB, please confirm whether Zilla's current mesh top is a suitable choice.
Because of this enclosures' slightly greater height (16 inches tall), it's preferred over the standard 20 long: 30 x 12 x 12 inches tall.
- Avoid using UVB for a 10 gallon enclosure! A 10 gallon enclosure (20 x 10.25 x 12 inches high) has inadequate space for a leo to escape from the UVB rays when he wants.
- "Never mix bleach with vinegar, ammonia, or many other products, just with water. Mixing it with vinegar releases toxic chlorine gas which is used in chemical warfare. Even if it's just a weak solution, the gas can still irritate your eyes and lungs, possibly causing long-term health problems." (Hilde)
- Hamster/rodent wheels are UNSAFE for leopard geckos.
- Diatomaceous Earth Alert: Some poultry/chicken feeds contain diatomaceous earth. Both Albers All Purpose Poultry Feed and Purina Layena Crumbles do NOT contain diatomaceous earth. For further information click: https://www.geckosunlimited.com/community/threads/68574 (hmarie186)
- Avoid cedar, pine, fir ?, and willow ?in reptile enclosures. Cedar fumes and oils are highly toxic to reptiles! Pine fumes and oils are toxic to reptiles as well!IF you love BIRCH wood, use it! As far as I know birch is totally gecko-safe.
- Check the calcium-to-phosphorus ratio of any food fed to crickets or worms. We wish to achieve a 1.5-2.0 calcium to a 1.0 phosphorus ratio in the foods we feed geckos. As of October 2019 the new United Department of Agriculture link is: FoodData Central.
- Harbor Freight is a good source for digital scales with excellent specs! (Tokaybyt)
Tractor Supply is a great source for 32 ounce cricket waterers. (Digs)
100% Leopard Gecko Care Sheet - Geckos Unlimited
Eublepharis macularius
26 May 2023 (update)
Eublepharis macularius
26 May 2023 (update)
To view click Leopard Gecko Setup, not the arrow:
- No supplements in the enclosure at all
- By omitting a background your leo will have more ground space to explore. Some leos will climb a background, but then fall off & could get hurt.
- Click here for the humid hide in this video: Amazon.com: Exo Terra Gecko Cave for Reptiles, Medium: Pet Supplies
- Please google Amazon's "OMEM Reptiles Hideout Humidification Cave with Basin for Gecko" for the i-d-e-a-l terra cotta humid hide for leopard geckos. OMEM hides keep your warm humid hide at a constant humidity! I recommend OMEM's large cave for leopard geckos up to 80ish grams. The large OMEM terra cotta hide's entrance measures 2 inches wide x 1.5 inches high. This large hide measures 5.9 inches long x 3.74 inches wide 4.72 inches tall. I use a small amount of sphagnum moss for bedding.
Eublepharis macularius was first described by zoologist Edward Blyth in 1854.
Leopard geckos are actually cathemeral geckos. They are active at dusk, during the night, and at dawn. Leos are also thigmotherms. A leopard gecko's preferred body temperature (PBT) = 86*F. That's 30*C.
Leopard geckos don't have endolymphatic sacs which store calcium like some other gecko species do.
All it takes is knowledge & care to provide state-of-the art technology for our leopard geckos! When you use UVB for a leo's enclosure, a leopard gecko will thrive! That's really just the first step.
(1) Quarantine Recommendations
Any new gecko should be quarantined for a minimum of 90 days. That gives adequate time to check for parasites, cryptosporidiosis, & the beginnings of coccidia plus. 3-6 months quarantine are recommended if your new gecko is imported or wild caught.
- Set up your new gecko as far as possible from your current animals.
- Set up your quarantined gecko as simply as possible -- with paper towel floor & homemade plastic hides. These can be tossed, if necessary.
- Feed the quarantined gecko last. (Maybe use vinyl gloves.)
- Toss uneaten prey. Never share prey between geckos or toss uneaten prey back into the feeding bin!
- Do not share any supplies such as thermometer probes or feeding tongs between cages.
- Wash hands thoroughly between handling geckos.
(2) Never keep two male leopard geckos together!
(3) Best to Keep Leopard Geckos Separately Caution: graphic photos!
Leopard geckos are solitary creatures. Handling stresses out leos. Leopard geckos do not benefit from either a mate of the opposite sex or a "friend" of the same sex. Leos of different sizes should not be kept together. It's simply not worth the risks.
Contributed by orbela in Jan 2014. May 2011 article ===> Leopard gecko swallows smaller leopard gecko.
Click: https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:2WP-kr_7uzEJ:www.herpetologynotes.seh-herpetology.org/Volume4_PDFs/Bonke_et_al_Herpetology_Notes_Volume4_pages211-212.pdf+natural+history+Eublepharis+geckos&hl=en&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESggtkgUOZDfMS_wr2hIrjdkwkNsVQ4Gw47qnzmfVfR6AYNf4Mn7o2FZhy77hRVYZ011I0lMB6fZ9nDONKEBJBTVd4JM0Uv-VVof5tuEc_RqAPufOc5mXGsX7XciVoCnWo6FBy6R&sig=AHIEtbRfaIYuPGifPrRIebPOrE75crIJ2Q
Contributed by Saskia in May 2013. These photos show the grave condition of a female leopard gecko the morning after the pair had been introduced for breeding. The breeder assumed that this male-female pair would get along. Clearly this was NOT the case.
Warning: GRAPHIC
Click: https://www.geckosunlimited.com/community/threads/69423
Much smaller leo bitten by giant leo causing a broken leg:
Click: https://www.geckosunlimited.com/community/threads/71950
(4) Sexing Leopard Geckos
For an image click: Sexing Leopard Geckos
A leopard gecko's sex can be confirmed when that leo is over 5 inches (12.7 cm) in total length. That may happen when a leo nears 6 months old. Males can be distinguished from females by a distinct /\-shaped row of femoral pores above the vent & by two hemipenal bulges below the vent. To see their vents, potential male femoral pores, & hemipenal bulges gently press their bodies against glass. They will squirm IF you turn them over.
Added 17 November 2022: Giorgos Makrakis shares that males have small black spots on the /\-shaped femoral pore line. At its size (over 5 inches/12.7 cm) males also would have developed at least slight swellings below the vent that indicate 2 hemipenal bulges.
(5) Looking for an experienced reptile veterinarian for your geckos?
- ARAV's Find A Vet: http://arav.site-ym.com/search/custom.asp?id=3661
- Canadian Reptile Vets: Canadian Reptile Veterinarian listing (lizard, snake, turtle, tortoise, frog, salamander, amphibian)
- Melissa Kaplan's International Herp Vet Listings:
Click: http://www.anapsid.org/vets/index.html
Click: http://www.anapsid.org/

(cllck to enlarge)
On a small scale let's strive to replicate a leopard gecko's natural habitat. The larger your enclosure, the more exercise your leopard gecko will get!
/\ /\ /\ GU's Digs (Ayana Evans) shares these details about her nearly 8 yo leo Asia's home. "This enclosure = 48 x 12 x 21 inches tall. It's a 55 gallon Aqueon fish tank from Pet Supplies Plus in the USA. The top is an Exo Terra hinged screen door for 55 gallon enclosures. The small tree with bright green leaves reaching for light on the right side is a ficus. Ayana uses a T5 fluorescent grow light for this ficus."
A 20 gallon LONG enclosure (30 x 12.5 x 12.5 inches high; 76.2 x 31.75 x 31.75 cm high) = ample length for medium-size adult leopard geckos' thermal gradients. It's excellent for a hatchling leopard gecko too. Zilla makes a front-opening enclosure that's 30 x 12 x 16 inches high.
A 20 gallon LONG is minimum size for a medium-sized female adult leo (~9 inches total length & ~70 grams) or perhaps a male. For a larger leopard gecko choose either an Exo Terra enclosure 36 x 18 x 12 inches (90 x 45 x 30 cms) or a 40 gallon breeder enclosure (36 x 18 x 17 inches).
For a ground dwelling reptile such as a leopard gecko, a minimum enclosure length 4x the leo's total length is highly desirable. Leopard geckos reach about 8 inches long at 1.5 years old. The average leopard gecko is 9 inches total length at maturity. So that's 4 x 9 = 36 inch long tank.
Exo Terra makes a glass enclosure 36 inches long x 18 (actually just 16 ??) inches wide x 12 inches tall with front doors.
Wooden/Melamine Enclosures
Wooden/melamine enclosures are excellent for leopard geckos. They offer a secure environment in which heat/humidity control is easy. Provide ventilation low on the cool end & high on the warm end. Heat overhead with a Deep Heat Projector (DHP), Ceramic Heat Emitter (CHE), & halogen bulbs. Alternatively sandwich a heat mat (UTH) between 2 tiles that are elevated above the enclosure's floor. Add a 15 watt incandescent bulb dimmed to half power by a rheostat to provide a photoperiod.
Blocking off some of the top (when there's only ventilation on top) to retain humidity increases poor air circulation.
Heat + light = the sun
Avoid direct sunlight on the enclosure. Direct sunlight will cause potentially deadly overheating. Overhead bulb wattages vary depending upon the ambient room temperatures!
Leopard geckos benefit greatly from a "warm zone", not just a "warm spot". Your leopard gecko's entire body should fit within each temperature zone. If not, over time health problems can develop. Air temperatures within the enclosure are just as important as belly heat for keeping your leo active!
- Provide Under Tank Heating (UTH) equal to 1/2 the enclosure's footprint as the main belly heat source.
- If the air is cool, supplement belly heat with overhead heat via a deep heat projector (DHP).
- Add a 15 watt incandescent bulb housed in a 5.5 inch diameter fixture and dimmed to half power by a rheostat. That creates a photoperiod.
For enclosures 30 inches and longer consider Arcadia's ShadeDweller lighting which was developed in 2018. Be sure to add the UVB lighting to the warm end of the enclosure.
TEMPERATURES - A temperature gradient from warm to cool maintains your leo's health. Here's a temperature guide for all leopard geckos as measured by the probe of a thermostat, a digital thermometer, or a temp gun. Set your thermostat at 91*F/32.8*C. Make certain all heat sources are controlled by either an ON/OFF thermostat or by a dimming thermostat.
It's recommended that basking area temps be somewhat higher than 91*F/32.8*C when using a halogen bulb for heat & "a patch of sunlight".
Tape the thermostat's probe and a digital thermometer's probe together, but offset a little. Place them right on top of the substrate underneath the warm dry hide. If you use a UTH + a CHE you'll need 2 separate thermostats, because ground and air temperatures are substantially different.
Leave your heat mat on 24/7 IF ambient room temperatures drop lower than 67ish*F (19.4*C). If NOT, during the night turn off overhead lighting/heating (~12 hours on and ~12 hours off).
- Warm dry hide ground temperature: 88-92 F (31.1-33.3 C) inside a leo's warm dry hide.
- Warm humid/moist hide: Place the humid hide 100% on top of the heat mat. Keep temperatures similar to the warm dry hide.
- Cool dry hide ground temperature: 70ish-75 F (21.1-23.9 C) Usually the cool end ground temperature matches the room temperature where the enclosure sits.
- No greater than 82ish F (27.8ish C) surface temperature - 4 inches (10 cm) above ground on the warm end
- No greater than 75 F (23.9 C) surface temperature - 4 inches (10 cm) above ground on the cool end
Elevate your entire enclosure 1/4 inch to 1/2 inch off the stand to prevent house fires!!! For larger enclosures elevate the enclosure at each corner and at center edges! Use sticky chair pads, Pink Pearl erasers, sturdy bottle caps, small tiles, or wooden blocks. Wrought iron stands support the periphery of the tank, but are completely open on the bottom.
Heat cables work better for vivs with different dimensions than standard heat mats. The first 6 feet of heat cables are actually not heated.
(1) Under Tank Heat mat (UTH)
Your Under Tank Heat mat should cover about 1/2 the enclosure's floor. Place one dry hide and the moist hide right on top of the heat mat.
- 10 gallon (20 x 10.25 x 12 inches high): Use Zoo Med's 8 x 12 inch (16 watt) heat mat.
- 15 gallon (24 x 12.5 x 12.5 inches high): Use Ultratherm's 11 x 11 inch heat mat.
- 20 gallon LONG (30 x 12 x 12 inches high): Use Ultratherm's 11 x 17 inch heat mat.
- 40 gallon BREEDER (36 x 18 x 17 inches high): Use 2 Ultratherm 11 x 17 heat mats or install 39 feet of heat cables over 1/2 the enclosure. The first 6 feet of heat cables are actually not heated.
***** Ultratherms ***** (high quality) are reusable. Snugly attach the heat mat underneath a glass enclosure with double-sided heat safe tape (or tape rolls) down the center and with electrically safe Nashua tape around the edges. When you purchase supplies directly from Amazon, you'll be able to return even electrical products that do not meet your gecko's needs. Amazon Prime also provides free return shipping. Reptile Basics (336-308-5767) ----> 11 x 11 Ultratherms = $20, 11 x 17 Ultratherms = $22. The Reptile Supply Co in Lodi, California sells Ultratherms too.
Using Styrofoam Insulation Underneath an Ultratherm Heat Mat . . . . . . Keith -- April 2018
"I suggest that an Ultratherm UTH is a must. The Ultratherm needs (styro)foam insulation under it, directing the heat upward and into the enclosure. From what I understand, other brands call for air under the UTH, which just allows heat to be lost! The fact that the Ultratherms should have foam insulation under them rather than air also says volumes about their safety. I only know this because I’m still setting up my Vivarium as well."
(2) Consider Arcadia Reptiles' Deep Heat Projector plugged into a pulse proportional thermostat set on the "dimming" function. DHPs are manufactured in 50 watt and 80 watt bulbs.
(3) Consider Arcadia Reptiles' ShadeDweller lighting which was developed in 2018. From what I understand, these fixtures come in a couple different lengths.
(4) Fluker's Repta-Clamp Lamp/Dome with Ceramic Heat Emitter (CHE) Click this one: http://www.amazon.com/Flukers-Repta-Clamp-Lamp-Switch/dp/B0002DHODQ It also comes with an inline dimmer/rheostat.
- A Fluker's repta-clamp lamp fixture with a 10 inch (25.4 cm) diameter opening is important to direct warm air into the enclosure. Smaller domes are considerably less efficient, because a greater amount of heat escapes into the room.
- Ceramic Heat Emitters are recommended for overhead domes, because they emit only heat. Leo's eyes are very sensitive to bright lights. They CAN see red and other colored bulbs! Control the CHE either by a second thermostat or by a rheostat/dimmer (Lutron).
A photoperiod is all about mimicking lighting (& heating) a particular reptile would experience in its natural environment. Short of having an expensive computer-controlled system that tweaks the lighting second by second, well minute by minute anyway, we can only approximate this goal.
- Place a low wattage bulb (15 watt standard incandescent bulb) dimmed to half power inside a 5.5 inch diameter dome fixture in the center of the screen top and right next to the CHE. Buy the dome with an inline dimmer or a separate Lutron dimmer. Then connect it to a timer.
- Click: Sunrise Sunset Daylight Hours of Pakistan -- Timebie
- In addition I somewhat shield the light from my photoperiod bulb by a tall silk palm tree in the center of the enclosure.
Hagen/Exo-Terra's Night-Glo Moonlight bulb is recommended for night viewing, but only for a couple hours. It's visible to geckos. Its purpose is to mimic moonlight. This moonlight bulb comes in these wattages: 15, 25, 40, 50, 75, 100, & 150 watts.
- Click: Exo Terra : Night Heat Lamp

(click to enlarge)
/\ /\ /\ Here's introducing Ayana Evans' nearly 8 yo female leo Asia (April 2022 birthday). On the 3 March 2022, for the first time ever, Asia basked under UVB for 5-6 hours! Ayana shared Asia's feat on facebook group's Reptile Lighting thread! In the past Asia basked maybe several times per year up to 30 minutes maximum. As of the 5 March 2022 Asia has had UVB for almost 2 years.
Proper strength UVB rays WILL benefit your leopard gecko. For proper UVB absorption UVB MUST be paired with a side-by-side heat source like a halogen basking bulb whose rays cover this leo's entire body. Supply the correct amount of UVB based upon the Ferguson Zone Index for shade dwelling geckos. "Shade dwelling geckos" includes leopard geckos. Leopard geckos require a Ferguson Zone UVI = 0.5 - 1.0 as measured by a Solarmeter 6.5 or 6.5R. There are "equivalent" meters with different brand names. When depending upon UVB for leopard geckos as a D3 source, Fran Baines, DVM (& lighting guru) strongly recommends supplementing @ 1-2 feedings per month with a good powdered calcium with vitamin D3 as a backup. Make certain there are ample hides so your leo can dodge the rays when he so wishes.
IF your leo is housed in a 20 long (30 x 12 x 12 inches high) enclosure, Dr. Fran Baines, DVM recommends:
Google the reptile specific Ferguson Zones Chart and check for leopard geckos to be safe with your setup. Use the Solarmeter 6.5R (UVI) to measure the strength of the rays. The Solarmeter 6.5R UV Index Meter has been updated with an attractive, informative graphics displaying the Ferguson Zones Chart at the top of the meter. Last time I checked, the Reptile Supply Company based in Sacramento. California had a good price on Solarmeter 6.5Rs.
(8 ) Exo Terra brand UVB bulbs or ceramic heat emitting bulbs are not recommended.
(9) Hot rocks are very unsafe.
Regarding any colored light bulbs. Use ceramic heat emitting bulbs.
- https://www.geckosunlimited.com/community/threads/56996 On this thread especially read Hilde's posts #40-42.
- The Reptile Channel: Reptile Lighting Information
A thermostat controls your under tank heater or overhead dome fixture. It provides your leopard gecko with stable and comfortable temperatures, saves $ on electricity, and lessens the chance of a house fire from accidental overheating.
- Plug your UTH/heat mat or overhead dome fixture into the thermostat.
- Plug the thermostat into the power strip.
- Plug the power strip into the wall outlet.
- Tape a digital thermometer's probe right onto the thermostat's probe to verify the thermostat's settings.
- Place both probes on the floor of your leopard gecko's warm dry hide.
- Check daily.
Separate thermostats are required if you wish to achieve different temperatures with different devices like an UTH and an overhead dome.
Do NOT exceed the maximum wattage of your power strip or thermostat!
Proportional thermostats are more precise.
These are good thermostats:
- Hydrofarm's Jump Start MTPRTC thermostat
- Google: Hydrofarm's Jump Start thermostat. It's a real work horse. I've had my leo's Jump Start thermostat since 2013.
- It has a convenient digital readout and a small metal probe. This thermostat should vary no more than +/- 3 degrees F from its setting before it turns the heat source off or on.
- Hydrofarm's Jump Start MTPRTC has a 5/8 inch diameter suction cup which slides up and down the probe's cord. Instead I use a small Adams suction cup with a slit (not a hook) to attach the cord to the side of the glass. Vegetable oil on the base of the suction cup really improves suction.
- It's rated to 1,000 watts/8.3 amps.
- My Jump Start's probe agrees with my digital thermometer's probe within 2*F.
- Apollo's digital thermostat
- Inkbird Thermostats
Click here for Inkbird contact information: https://www.ink-bird.com/contact-us.html
Inkbird manufactures 2 similar models that only control HEAT (no cooling). Both are rated to 1,200 watts. Both models have 2 sockets for controlling two separate heat mats or two separate CHE dome fixtures set at the same temperature. Each model has only 1 probe.
On the 18 April 2018 GU's Savannah shared: "Now there is an attachment you can buy where another probe plugs in."
Model #1: INK306T- Click: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B...Gnr2xbcgueOYngufjeHz3CqWLoHy5IC3iLuA8JrwevmXo
Model #2: Inkbird ITC-306T - Click: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B...Gnr2xbcgueOYngufjeHz3CqWLoHy5IC3iLuA8JrwevmXo
- Inkbird's ITC-306T Digital 2-Outlet Heat Temperature Controller/thermostat has a built-in ultra-capacitor. When the ultra-capacitor is fully charged, this thermostat will work for more than 20 days without electricity.
- blondebrown coat states: "I love it! It keeps very true temps, has a max/min customizable threshold, day and night temp settings, and an alarm if temps get out of whack."
Model #3: - Click: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01HXM5UA...1&pd_rd_plhdr=t&aaxitk=KgQMyaFHDW8xT9qvpmf74w
- Click: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B...Gnr2xbcgueOYngufjeHz3CqWLoHy5IC3iLuA8JrwevmXo
- iPower thermostats
- USA Herpstat dimming (pulse proportional) thermostats from Pangea
- USA Helix dimming (pulse proportional) thermostats from the Bean Farm
- USA dimming (pulse proportional) thermostat suggested by JTB Reptiles -- I don't know how reliable this dimming thermostat is.
- USA Spyder Robotics' dimming (pulse proportional) thermostats: HerpStat Intro ($99) and the HerpStat Intro+ ($109).
Click: https://www.spyderrobotics.com/
- United Kingdom -- Habistat dimming (pulse proportional) thermostats
Both a reliable digital thermometer with a probe and an infrared temperature gun are recommended. A digital thermometer with a probe can measure either the air temperature or the ground temperature, whereas temperature guns measure the precise spot or range where the laser is aimed.
Dial-type (circle-analog) thermometers are very inaccurate. At best they read "ballpark" temperatures Liquid crystal display (LCD) strip thermometers are worthless.
Temperature guns
- GU's Zux (Shane) recommends this: Amazon.com: HDE Temperature Gun Infrared Thermometer w/ Laser Sight: Home Improvement
For more information click this thread and scroll to Zux's post 14: https://www.geckosunlimited.com/community/threads/81307
- Amazon.com: Pro Exotics PE2 Infrared Thermometer Temp Gun: Toys & Games. The latter can be purchased with a metal case for a bit more $.
Click: Digital Hygrometers - Weather Instruments, Weather Radios & Cupolas
Textured slate tile creates excellent, risk-free substrates. Slate is a superior heat conductor. Slate is attractive & permanent. Paper towels can also be used.
- If your slate does not sit flush against the glass floor, it might cause "hot spots" & variable temp gun readings. Adding an 1/8 inch to 1/4 inch layer of washed DRY fine sand ONLY under the tiles should fix that.
- Make certain slate is no more than ~3/8 inch thick, when using it with an UTH! If slate is too thick it will interfere with heat conduction from your UTH.
- Some Lowe's Home Improvement stores will trim tiles free or for a small fee.
- If you choose paper towels, contain all food for your leo in a feeding dish! Sometimes leopard geckos eat paper towels.
- Avoid reptile carpet! Reptile carpet harbors bacteria from feces & urine. Young & mature leopard geckos get their teeth & claws stuck in these carpets.
- Avoid vinyl tiles & shelf liner with or without adhesive backing! Unhealthy volatile organic compounds (VOCs) can be created by off-gassing when vinyl tiles or shelf liners are heated.
Slate is a superior substrate. Slate is ideal for retaining heat. However, it's porous and should be sealed with a water-base, low VOC sealant.
Sealing Slate Tiles: Make certain any sealant is reptile-safe and food-safe! Slate tiles can be sealed with a food grade sealant so that they will NOT absorb gecko urine or feces. IF you don't seal the slate, periodically sterilize it with a bleach solution. While the bleach is off-gassing, replace the missing sections with paper towels.
Amazon has great prices on the quart size!
~ $30 Tile Cutter
Click: Q.E.P. | 14 Inch Tile Cutter with 7/8 Inch Cutting Wheel | Home Depot Canada
3 March 2022
"If the tissue is really red and swollen or protruding you can honey pack it. Just take a small Q-tip and dab the area with plain old honey three to four times a day.
**Don't stick the q-tip inside the cloaca!**
"White granulated sugar mixed with water to make a gritty paste can work too. This helps decrease inflammation, prevents bacterial growth, and isn't harmful if licked off. I find that honey works best.
"Also, remove any loose substrate as this can be irritating or get stuck to the exposed tissues."
4 March 2022
"This method is also safe for treating post burns, ruptured abscesses, really most wounds where tissues need to be kept moist but may be too fragile to suture surgically, or when dealing with wounds where you expect a lot of necrotic tissue to form as it heals.
"The granulated sugar is most helpful for some prolapse cases. In reptiles and birds it can sometimes help shrink a cloacal prolapse enough for the tissue to return to normal without a vet having to put stitches in. It can also be a safe wound barrier until a pet can get seen by a veterinarian for actual antibiotics."
Thanks to GU's SpottedDragon
"Nature is the best teacher, learn by observing."
These tips may help a constipated leo:
- Feed a couple drops of olive oil or vegetable oil every day.
- Massage this leo's belly in a throat-to-vent manner.
- Rehydrate this leo with a long warm soak at ~ 86*F -- a leo's preferred body temperature.
- Make certain the leo has fresh water daily.
- Try feeding the constipated/impacted leo some hornworms. Hornworms = 85% moisture. PetCo sells Timberline's hornworms in 4-packs.
For link 33 click: Hornworm Care Guidelines
Geckos Unlimited has numerous reports of leopard geckos, young and older, dying from sand impaction. NEVER use Vita Sand, Calci-sand, or any sand which contains calcium. You do not want your leo eating sand to get calcium!
RIP Leo "Peach":
- Click: https://www.geckosunlimited.com/community/threads/67832
- Click: https://www.geckosunlimited.com/community/threads/49884
- Click: https://www.geckosunlimited.com/community/threads/49735
Click: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.940775562617358.1073741912.207897745905147&type=1
Leo "Geoffrey":
Click: https://www.geckosunlimited.com/community/threads/67388
HUMIDITY & HIDES: 3 Hides per Leopard Gecko
Maintain leopard geckos at humidity between 40-60%. The warm humid hide will have higher humidity than the warm dry hide. A warm humid hide helps geckos with hydration as well as with shedding. Locate the dry hide and the moist hide on the warm end. One (or two) large water bowls help increase humidity.
Misting is NOT recommended for a leo enclosure.
Click: Relative Humidity - CityRating.com
(1) Excellent Warm DRY hide
(2) Click Exo Terra Reptile Caves: Exo Terra : New Reptile Cave / Natural Hiding Place
(3) Amazon's OMEM large terra cotta hide with a basin on top makes the best warm humid hide ever!
(4) Homemade Humid Hide made by GU's wicked gecko (Russ)
"Here's an image of my humid hide made from GladWare. I melted the entrance with a soldering iron, so it's really smooth. I then cut a single piece of aquarium airline tubing a little extra long and split it down the middle. It's on the warm side and filed with Eco Earth's coco fiber. I made the entrance higher up to contain the coco fiber if leo Hiccup decides to dig."
(5) Homemade Humid Hide made by GU's Conched (Matt)
Here's a hide that works OK for the warm humid hide. Matt uses plastic 45 oz Country Crock containers. The lid has a 6 inch diameter. The 45 oz size allows a fully grown Leo to fit comfortably inside.
Use an opaque container. The above ground entrance keeps the substrate inside. Sand or melt the edges of the opening so they are not sharp. Fill it with paper towel strips, sphagnum moss, or Eco Earth's coco fiber -- all dampened.
(6) Leo hides handmade with river rocks by GU's JessJohnson87 For details and photos scroll to post #114 right here.
(7) 23 March 2015: kholtme (Kyle) created a separate thread to share his experience with the Zoo Med's new ceramic model of their 3-in-1 hide.
Avoid vermiculite in the moist hide! Vermiculite in eye & cute picture of leo with eye patch:
Click: https://www.geckosunlimited.com/community/threads/64951.
Cage furniture and silk plant foliage will add security to your leo's micro-environment. For additional privacy, cover the sides and back of the enclosure with construction paper.
- Nutrient Requirements: Merck Veterinary Manual (2011)
- United States Department of Agriculture food analyses: FoodData Central [Repair link]
Calcium, Vitamin, & Mineral Supplements
Best not to keep any supplement in the enclosure including plain calcium carbonate!Douglas R. Mader DVM's article
(click to enlarge)
Vitamin D3 is crucial to a gecko's diet. Vitamin D3 is a fat soluble vitamin. One weekly dose sticks around in a gecko's body and metabolizes calcium all week long. Some vitamin D3 is often found in the diet we feed the feeders. Usually additional powdered supplementation is necessary. If your leopard gecko has an enclosure at least 4 feet long, UVB lighting is preferred. Even then a backup dose of D3 calcium @ 1 feeding per month is recommended! Without a vitamin D3 source, any leo/gecko is at risk for metabolic bone disease. Too much vitamin D3 is harmful as well. If one uses UVB lighting for a leopard gecko, there should be many places for a leopard gecko to dodge the UVB rays.
Our goal is to provide our geckos with as close to a 1.5-2.0 calcium to a 1.0 phosphorus as is possible. Suggest feeding bugs and worms a healthy dry diet plus certain veggies as the primary source of nutrition. Then lightly dust the prey as the secondary source of vitamins and calcium.
In places like some South American and African countries where plain calcium carbonate powder is unavailable, cuttle bone (sepia bone -- also calcium carbonate) can be shaved off and "chopped".
Edit: 13 July 2012
Relatively recent research suggests that chameleons do not metabolize beta-carotene into vitamin A at all. Does the same apply to geckos?
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Click important research: http://www.timberlinefisheries.com/v/vspfiles/assets/images/finke et al_2005_evaluation of four dry commercial gut loading products for improving the calcium content of crickets.pdf
If you are feeding a healthy adult leopard gecko 18+ months old, lightly dust with this frequency:
For supplement schedules dependent upon your leo's age see posts 124, 125, & 126. For UVB lighting supplement schedules see posts 154, 155, & 156.
- Monday -- lightly dust feeders with Zoo Med's Repti Calcium with D3
- Thursday -- lightly dust feeders with Zoo Med's ReptiVite multivitamins withOUT D3
Use Zoo Med's ReptiVite multivitamins sparingly! A wee pinch no more than 1x per week is all you need!! The directions on both Zoo Med's ReptiVite multivitamins and Zoo Med's Repti Calcium with D3 containers suggest dusting according to your gecko's weight.
Finely grind the following dry diets for crickets (Acheta domestica), Blaptica dubia, and mealworm bedding. Feed it to them 24/7. Off to the side add a dish of chopped collard, dandelion, mustard, and turnip greens for high calcium/low phosphorus and for moisture.
- ***Zoo Med's Natural ADULT Bearded Dragon Food***
- OR Aliza (GU's acpart) uses this already ground dry diet from "Professional Reptiles"for her mealworm/superworm bedding as well as for her insect and worm food.
- OR Albers' All Purpose Poultry Feed
- OR Purina Layena Crumbles: https://www.purinamills.com/
- ***Alfalfa Meal - alternating with the starred foods above (from the Reptile Supply Company)
1. Lightly dust prey according to the above schedule. Lightly dust = like a "sprinkling of powdered sugar on a cake"
2. The term gut loading causes some confusion. Feed your feeders a nutritious regular diet all the time to build strong feeder bodies. Feeding your geckos insects and worms whose entire body is healthy (and not just their guts) is very important!
Be sure to check the calcium-to-phosphorus ratio of any food that you feed to the crickets or worms. Carrots, for instance, contain about a 1:2.3 ratio (???) of calcium to phosphorus depending upon the charts.
Amazon carries NOW brand calcium carbonate. NOW brand calcium carbonate is also sold in health food stores. Plain calcium never expires!
***Current directions (16 May 2013) on Zoo Med's Reptivite with/without D3/A acetate
"Directions for Insectivores: Place crickets in a tall plastic container with a wee pinch of Reptivite. Swirl to lightly dust crickets with the powder. Feed approximately 12 dusted crickets per week for every 2.5 ounces (71 grams) of body weight."
Zoo Med's Reptivite contains vitamin A acetate (retinol) in contrast to the beta carotene provided in Rep Cal's Herptivite. There has been research with chameleons which suggests they do not utilize vitamin A in the form of beta carotene.
***In the United Kingdom, Nutrobal all-in-one multivitamin is available for lightly dusting your geckos' prey. It's excellent!
Click: Nutrobal for reptiles
Pro-Rep Calcidust
"Premium Insect Enriching Formula" . . . . . . by KOMODO (made in England)
Click: https://www.komodoproducts.com/
Preferred Insects & Worms for Leopard Geckos
Nutritional Values of Common Feeders- Click: Mark Finke, Ph.D.'s Nutritional Analyses of Feeders chart http://www.geckotime.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/table-large.png
- Click: Nutritional Value of Commercially Raised Insects | Gecko Time
***** Click: FoodData Central [Repair link]
Click: NDL/FNIC Food Composition Database Home Page
Suggested Prey Items
When trying out any new feeder for your leos, order a trial cup.
Feed adult leopard geckos 2 times per week and young leos just about every day. Offer variety selected from the following: crickets, black soldier fly larvae (Phoenix/calci/reptiworms), roaches, silkworms, hornworms, blue bottle fly larvae, mealworm pupae, freshly molted mealworms, & grasshoppers.
To keep crickets in a feeding dish, cut off the back legs at the "knees". Young leos are often clumsy hunters. Slowing down the crickets by cutting off their back legs gives young leos more time to catch them. Loose prey in the tank will be a source of stress to your leo and can even nibble on your leo's toes when the leo is sleeping. It's fine to leave prey in a feeding dish with a pinch of dry diet.
Pinky mice and waxworms are like ice cream for geckos. Waxworms do contain vitamin C. Offer waxworms very infrequently (maybe a couple times per month). Excessive fat in geckos' diets can lead to hepatic lipidosis (fatty liver disease) and gout.
- Insect & Worm Resource
- Bean Beetles
- Black Soldier Fly Larvae: "Phoenix/calci/reptiworms & NutriGrubs" are different trademarked names.
BSFL are very healthy feeders. The largest BSFL worms are only 3/4 inch long, They are recommended for leos. They are often popular with young leos. Rinse them off prior to feeding! Once you receive your Phoenix worms, they should neither be dusted nor fed!!!
- For link 5 click: Black Soldier Fly Larvae (Phoenix/calci/repti worms & NutriGrubs) Care
- Click: The Phoenix Worm Store Home Page
- Blue Bottle Fly Larvae
- Butterworms Do NOT feed butterworms to crested geckos or to gargoyle geckos. Crested geckos & gargoyle geckos experience chemical-type burns when fed butterworms. Please read the following link to understand why not.
- Hornworms -- Leopard geckos love them!
- Mealworms Freshly molted mealworms or mealworm pupae are recommended for variety, NOT as a staple food.
Aliza (GU's acpart)uses Professional Reptiles' Pro Gutload Dry Diet for mealworm (& superworm) bedding. She puts about 2" of gut load into a Kritter Keeper (14" x 8" x 5") and dumps in the mealworms. Eventually you'll see a lot of mealworm skins. Remove the mealworm skins, so it's easier to get the mealworms out. At some point it starts looking like grains of sand instead of dry gut load. This is mealworm droppings. You can either sift out the sandy stuff and throw it away or just add more dry gut load.- Click: http://www.geckodan.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Pros-and-Cons-of-Mealworms.pdf
- Click: https://www.geckosunlimited.com/community/threads/41492
SpottedDragon's Mealworm Breeding System: post #8 on Phosphorus Questions thread
Click: https://www.geckosunlimited.com/community/posts/502715
- Click: http://www.geckodan.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Pros-and-Cons-of-Mealworms.pdf
- Roaches including Dubia
- Silkworms are a soft-bodied feeder high in vitamin A (retinol).
Click: Silkworm Guidelines I
- Superworms
REHYDRATION INFORMATIONHydrate &/or soak your gecko prior to feeding, Do not attempt to feed an emaciated/dehydrated gecko till the gecko's hydration status has been assessed by a veterinarian. In order to prevent further damage to the kidneys or liver, let the vet rehydrate your gecko. Only then assist feed.
To get any gecko to open it's mouth brush your finger, a thin dowel, or a stainless steel gavage needle (with a rounded "ball" tip) horizontally past his lips. Stroke gecko's lips -- gecko opens mouth -- then insert water, food, or medicine. Be gentle! Never force the mouth open.
Click: How to assist feed a Leopard gecko?
BEFORE feeding a dehydrated gecko, make sure he/she is hydrated either by mouth or by soaking. Also try offering clear Pedialyte to this gecko prior to ANY food. This gecko could also be soaked in clear Pedialyte. Pedialyte is a good source of electrolytes.
- Repashy's Grub Pie Grub Pie is good for ongoing feeding of ailing geckos who are refusing live insects. Add warm water to Grub Pie's powdered food (75% insect meal) & mix into a paste. This has a much longer shelf life than Oxbow's Carnivore Care.
- Guaranteed Analysis: Crude Protein min. 40%, Crude Fat min. 12%, Crude Fiber max. 15%, Moisture max. 10%, Ash max. 12%, Calcium min. 1.5%.
- INGREDIENTS: Insect Meal, Dried Seaweed Meal, Coconut Meal, Ground Flaxseed, Stabilized Rice Bran, Dried Brewers Yeast, Lecithin, Dried Kelp, Locust Bean Gum, Calcium Carbonate, Potassium Citrate, Salt, Taurine, Watermelon, RoseHips, Hibiscus Flower, Calendula Flower, Marigold Flower, Paprika, Turmeric, Salt, Calcium Propionate and Potassium Sorbate (as preservatives), Magnesium Amino Acid Chelate, Zinc Methionine Hydroxy Analogue Chelate, Manganese Methionine Hydroxy Analogue Chelate, Copper Methionine Hydroxy Analogue Chelate, Selenium Yeast. Vitamins: (Vitamin A Supplement, Vitamin D3 Supplement, Choline Chloride, L-Ascorbyl-Polyphosphate, Vitamin E Supplement, Niacin, Beta Carotene, Pantothenic Acid, Riboflavin, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, Thiamine Mononitrate, Folic Acid, Biotin, Vitamin B-12 Supplement, Menadione Sodium Bisulfite Complex).
- Oxbow's Carnivore Care is best for leos off food. Available via Amazon in 70 gram and 340 gram sizes!
Click: http://www.oxbowanimalhealth.com/our-products/professional-line/carnivore-care/
For (storage tips beyond 1 week) 34 click: Powdered Assist Foods: Oxbow’s Carnivore Care, Emeraid, & Repta+Boost - Lafeber's Emeraid for Carnivors -- quite similar to Oxbow's Carnivore Care
Click: Emeraid® Carnivore | Lafeber's Emeraid - In a pinch, use Mazuri's
Click: Mazuri Shopping Cart - Insectivorous Lizards - Fluker's Repta+Boost -- better to buy Oxbow's Carnivore Care or Lafeber's Emeraid for Carnivors instead
- Turkey baby food is better than chicken baby food. Place the baby food directly on the gecko's lips/snout. For an electrolyte boost especially with dehydrated geckos, turkey (or chicken) baby food can be mixed 1:1 with unflavored Pedialyte. Sprinkle a little calcium with D3 into the chicken baby food 2x per week. If additional calcium is necessary, use a liquid supplement called Calcium Glubionate.
- To discover the benefits of turkey baby food scroll to Assist Feeding post 8 by Maurice Pudlo. That post follows the Leopard Gecko Guidelines on this care sheet.
Feed insects & worms a balanced dry diet that provides no more than 20% protein & no more than 5% crude fat.Albers All Purpose Poultry Feed (from feed store): The label reads 16% minimum protein, 3% minimum fat, and vitamin A acetate among many other nutrients!
+ Collard greens -- especially recommended for high calcium-to-low phosphorus ratio & high lutein
+ Dandelion greens & flowers
+ Prickly pear cactus
+ Watercress
Whole Grain TOTAL -- General Mills dry cereal (in a pinch)
The Reptile Supply Company, Inc. now based in Bonham, Texas (info@ReptileSupplyCo.com) sells alfalfa meal, bee pollen, chlorella powder, spirulina powder, and strawberry powder (coarse).
Click: http://www.reptilesupplyco.com/
Avoid feeding dog food, cat food, OR tropical fish flakes to insects or worms. Those are way too high in protein & fat. They could potentially cause hepatic lipidosis or gout.
Avoid feeding freeze-dried/canned crickets to geckos. Geckos get moisture from well-hydrated prey as well as the nutrients such prey provides.
Click here for links to check out almost any food:
New October 2019 link = https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/
NDL/FNIC Food Composition Database Home Page
Feeding Dishes
Join the Facebook group Gecko food! Feeder insects group and the following link will work.
Click: https://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=420810677967088&oid=359607730781688
- 8 ounce clear glass round dishes with totally vertical sides: 1.5" height/depth x 3.5" diameter. Source: Anchor Hocking, 800-562-7511, ext 2478. Use a sloped stepping stone/ramp for easy access to the feeding dish and to stabilize the dish.
- Click: https://www.oneida.com/storage-orga...r-hocking-8pc-kitchen-storage-w-red-lids.html
- Ceramic tea cups used by Asian restaurants are nice and deep. They have no handles!
- Jumbo tealight holders: Mainstays Jumbo Tealight Holder: Decor : Walmart.com
- Small ceramic ramekins from a kitchen store make nice feeding and water dishes. They have deeper vertical slippery sides---ideal for containing some feeders!
Click: Cricket Care Guidelines II -- January 2018 updateFinely grind the following dry diets for crickets (Acheta domesticus), Blaptica dubia, & mealworms. Feed it to them 24/7/365. Off to the side add a dish of chopped collard, dandelion (flowers & greens), mustard, & turnip greens for high calcium/low phosphorus & moisture. Make certain your source is pesticide-free!
- ***Zoo Med's Natural ADULT Bearded Dragon Food***
- OR Aliza (GU's acpart) uses this already ground dry diet from "Professional Reptiles"for her mealworm/superworm bedding as well as for her insect and worm food.
- OR Albers' All Purpose Poultry Feed
- OR Purina Layena Crumbles https://www.purinamills.com/
- ***Alfalfa Meal - alternating with the starred foods above (from the Reptile Supply Company)
Cricket Species
- Acheta domesticus, the softer brown cricket, is ideal. Acheta domesticus are sold in the USA by Armstrong's Crickets, Fluker's Crickets, & Ghann's Crickets among other companies. Acheta domesticus really ARE significantly quieter than banded cricket (Gryllodes sigillatus) males!
- Gryllodes sigillatus, the banded cricket, is sold in the USA by Ghann's & Rainbow Mealworms. In May 2013 a herp keeper reported that Gryllodes sigillatus are jumpier than Acheta domesticus. In July 2018 a gecko keeper told me that her banded cricket males are super loud!
In order to grow, Gryllodes sigilatus need temps of 85*F until they are 4 weeks old. After that lower their temps to 80*F for the rest of their lives.
By January 2023 Rainbow Mealworms on USA's West Coast in southern California sells these as their only crickets. On 31 January 2023 I ordered 1,000 1/4 inch Gryllodes sigillatus during the USA's nationwide deep freeze. They arrived @ 4 PM 1 February.
- Gryllus assimilis
- Gryllus locorojo, "crazy reds", are super aggressive and mean.
I breed Blaptica dubia in a 10 gallon tank with 5 egg flats trimmed a bit shorter than the height of that enclosure. Alternating the egg flats back-to-back, then front-to-front, & so on, allows better hiding opportunities for Blaptica dubia. Keep finely ground Zoo Med's Natural ADULT Bearded Dragon Food in a shallow ridged lid to one side of the egg flats. Vitamin A acetate (retinol) is one important ingredient in the dry diet. Add collard greens occasionally. Dandelion flowers & greens are also great sources of calcium.Once a day (depending upon the dubias' ages) thoroughly moisten 2 sheets of Scott's Original Blue Shop Paper Towels & then squeeze out excess water. Lay those paper towels right on top of the egg flats. In a room which ranges upwards from 67 F/19.4 C, I keep a 15 watt incandescent bulb in an 8.5 inch diameter reflector dome directly over the screened enclosure & on 24/7. Scott's Original Blue Shop Paper Towels are highly absorbent! This setup produces all size dubia.
***** Do NOT use water crystals to make a gel to hydrate any bug or worm. Water crystals have been found in the guts of deceased animals!
Dubia give birth to live nymphs when temperatures are sufficiently warm. Females have this pointy body part called an ootheca. Babies emerge from the female's ootheca. The males "sprout" wings when they are mature. Mature dubia are way too big for most leopard geckos to eat.
Avoid cross contamination by not returning Blaptica dubia to the dubia tank if they are not eaten. They'll do fine in leopard geckos' enclosures for a few days as long as they are contained within a feeding bowl. Just sprinkle a pinch of dry gutload diet into their bowl.
Do NOT feed Blaptica dubia or any bug or worm any type of dog, cat, puppy, kitten food, or fish flakes no matter how organic! Those foods are excessively HIGH in protein & might cause gout!
Keep the dry gut load diet DRY!
(1) IF you do not want to breed the roaches, keep them around 70*F (21*C) to slow their growth. Eventually, if not fed off, they will grow larger than is safe for a gecko to eat. When ready to gut load them, heat them up between 80-95*F & they will eat like crazy!
That's what I do with my feeders & it works well. My breeders are kept about 90-95*F. They seem to grow 2-3 times faster than the ones I have set aside for feeders." [Tip is thanks to Geckologist.tj in October 2013]
(2) When Blaptica dubia are sexually mature, simply look at them. When they molt past their final instar, they are sexually dimorphic- that is, the males & females have different physical characteristics. The females develop a more noticeable orange color, more obvious than with the nymphs, & will have tiny wing nubs. The males when mature will have full wings upon the final molt.
The males develop their wings immediately during the final molt. Wing size, along with general body size, can sometimes vary, so when you say the males don't seem to have the wings like males should have, they may just have smaller wings than usual. If the wings are covering the length of their backs, then they're adult males.
I read that dubia aren't cannibalistic although it 's difficult to say for sure unless someone were to test this. I know orange head roaches are cannibalistic & even readily eat live insects." [Thanks to GU's Mogey in May 2014]
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All female geckos can develop infertile eggs without mating.- If you see eggs, add a nest box filled with damp Eco Earth's coco fiber to the warm end of the enclosure to prompt her to lay those eggs.
- A 1x daily warm 86*F (30*C) soak for about 15 minutes may help. Gently massage her belly towards the vent during that soak.
- An oxytoxin injection may help too. If she is unable to lay her eggs, surgery is required.
- If a female gecko becomes egg-bound, eventually the eggs begin to rot inside. This infection leads to septicemia (blood poisoning), then death.
Click: Egg Binding (Dystocia) in Reptiles: Causes, Signs, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention
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From mating to egg-laying takes anywhere from 2-4 weeks depending upon temperature. Prepare a nest box and set up your incubator! INCUBATING LEO EGGS
Click: Albey's How To Incubate Leopard Gecko Eggs~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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