Hatched a few of these this year. I was also struck on how variant these guys are, especially the head patterns.
It was real hard to get those crickets to stay in the corner!!
Here are a few of the Galeatus that hatched this year. I love the variation of the dorsal patterns.
Really like the red one!
Can't wait to see what the blonde is going to look like as an adult!
This guy was sunning itself in front of the Clinic where I work. Never seen one quite so pink. Took it home and released it "out in the country."
Here are a couple of pictures of some stein's that hatched this week. Enjoy.
This gal is about a week old. I am amazed at how fast it is growing.
This is another that hatched about 4 days ago. Just had its first shed.
Same guy as above with his clutchmate that is three days old...
Here are some pictures of some interesting wheeleri that hatched out in the last couple of weeks. These guys are awesome in how aberrant their patterns can be.
Working toward a patternless wheeleri with these guys. Looks like a good start!!
Working toward a patternless with a perfect...
Here is the little guy that I posted several months ago. He is a little dark. He does that before he sheds. Just started breeding him. It will be interesting to see how the babies turn out.
Here he is with a red female. Got eggs last week.
Here he is with a "normal" xanthic male. Hope...
Here are the two younger ones. Hatched out about 6 weeks ago.
Here are two slightly older ones produced about three months ago.
I got the adults from an importer and after much work got a few clutches before that shut down for the year. ALMOST made it worth it!!
Here are some interesting levis that popped up within the last couple of months.
This little gal was produced from a stripe male and a female magma. Kind of a faded/incomplete super stripe.
Here is earlier clutch mate from a normal levis female and a stripe male.
Here is probably...
All right Ken you made me do it. Here are some shots of a few female wheeleri we have.
Small clean stripe female.
Super stripe female (several shots_
Ultra pink juvenile clean small stripe
These guys hatched out last night. The bottom one has a very intense pink color. I thought you guys might like a picture. Picture is a little dark. I will keep yall posted on how she grows up.
I know this is not the correct area to post but I figured the information will get out the quickest by posting it here. Nathan will be out of service do to the evacuation of the Galveston area due to Hurricane Rita. Lets all keep Nathan in our thoughts as he packs up all his geckos to get out of...
Thought you guys might like a look at this little guy hatching out today. He is a Rainwater albino from the male incubator. He ended up being a jungle which was pretty cool.
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