OK here is the latest installment of GUESS THAT AMYAE'S SEX !!!
First pic of first born....6/28/2005 and second pic is from clutch mate born 7/2/2005...Thanks in advance to everyone.
Are there any good web pages out there for home building of clear acrylic cages ? Thanks
PS...If any board members want to chime in w/ their experiences and projects...PLEASE DO SO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Was wondering other board members experiences with B. lateralis ?
What husbandry techniques do you use for them and what Gecko species are you feeding w/ them ? Thanks;
Here are a few pics of one of my Phyllurus platurus ( from Nathan)...will post pics of my others from Jerry P. I do love working with this species.
Very personable and hardy. Thanks for looking.
Wanted to ask those who keep your Strophurus in 10 gal glass tanks..how do you secure your screen tops ? Are pet store bought clips on either side adequate ? Thanks in advance.
I would like board members opinions on what they feed their juvie Leachies over any given week..Trying to assess what foods, frequency and variety you are all using ..Thanks
I have heard that Oedura castelnaui need lower temps for brumation than do most aussie geckos...is this true ? What temps are other Oedura hobbyists brumating at ? Thanks
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