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    Flame On !

    Silly thread title I know ! These two girls have interesting patterns...Thanks for looking; Greg
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    What is the best enclosure for a 1 yr old Leachie ?

    Would like opinions on what is the best enclosure for a 1 yr old Leachie ? Pics ? Thanks ! Greg
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    Help sexing this 9 month old Isle E. Leachie

    Any help Help sexing this 9 month old Isle E. Leachie would be greatly appreciated...Thanks
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    Request Pics of your 1 yr old Leachie Enclosures

    Please, can I see photos of your young (1yr) old Leachie enclosures ? Thanks
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    Phyllurus platurus gender guessing game, shall we ?

    Let the fun begin... #1 born 7/5/2005: #2 born 8/10/2005: #3 born 8/10/2005:
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    Nice Sunday Morning Suprise....

    From my wheeleri... Thanks; Greg [/img]
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    Sarah, could you please post pics Phyllurus vent areas ?

    Thanks Sarah ! Trying to sex my 0.0.3 group Greg
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    Phyllurus platurus size comparison

    Wanted to ask if there is a size difference ( w/ females being larger) w/ Phyllurus platurus ? Thanks
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    Was wondering if others kept their Oedura catelnaui in 1.1 pairs or intermittently introuduced males to females after brumation ? Thanks
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    Sex Guessing Game 2006 (Amyae version !)

    OK here is the latest installment of GUESS THAT AMYAE'S SEX !!! First pic of first born....6/28/2005 and second pic is from clutch mate born 7/2/2005...Thanks in advance to everyone. Greg
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    Experience with acrylic cage building ?

    Are there any good web pages out there for home building of clear acrylic cages ? Thanks PS...If any board members want to chime in w/ their experiences and projects...PLEASE DO SO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    Type/source of tank divider ?

    Can anyone recommend a quality tank divider for a 15 gal tank ? The only examples locale are very flimsy and cheap...Thanks Greg
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    Blatta lateralis questions.

    Hello; Was wondering other board members experiences with B. lateralis ? What husbandry techniques do you use for them and what Gecko species are you feeding w/ them ? Thanks; Greg
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    Phyllurus platurus pics

    Here are a few pics of one of my Phyllurus platurus ( from Nathan)...will post pics of my others from Jerry P. I do love working with this species. Very personable and hardy. Thanks for looking. Greg
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    Amyae babies for 2005

    Here are my four amyae babies produced this year..thanks for looking. Greg
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    New S.c. abberrans

    Here is a very lonely young adult female S.c. abberrans !!!! Thanks for looking. Greg [/img]
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    Strophurus cage top question

    Wanted to ask those who keep your Strophurus in 10 gal glass do you secure your screen tops ? Are pet store bought clips on either side adequate ? Thanks in advance. Greg
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    Leachie Diets over a one week period ? Opinions Wanted

    I would like board members opinions on what they feed their juvie Leachies over any given week..Trying to assess what foods, frequency and variety you are all using ..Thanks
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    Brumation temps for Oedura ?

    I have heard that Oedura castelnaui need lower temps for brumation than do most aussie this true ? What temps are other Oedura hobbyists brumating at ? Thanks