Hey, I was bored so I snapped some pictures of most of my mossy and corkbarks!
Mossy males:
Mossy Females:
Let me know what you think!
Thanks Erik
Hey, I just wanted to share what I found in the incubator last night! (I just took it out of the incubator and put it in that container. It hasnt even shed yet!!)
It looks ALOT like the baby that I hatched out about a month ago from the same parents!! I am SUPER happy that I paired those two...
Here are some photos of some of my Red eyes! I just took a few pictures of each color morph to make a "guide" to the morphs and decided to post the pics here!!
Hope you enjoyed them!! Let me know what you think!
Thanks Erik
Hey, I was taking some cool "natural" pictures of my leaf-tails.. I think that they came out pretty nice..
Henkeli Leaf-Tails:
Pied female:
Two Pied females:
Pied female with her Pied baby:
Mossy Leaf-Tails:
My White male Mossy:
Guentheri Leaf-Tails:
I took a TON of pics...
Hey, Well some of you might know that I have an internship at the denver zoo.. Well everytime I work there I always say to myself that I want a viv to put frogs in with all like plants, live substrates, live moss... Ya-know, the whole nine yards... So I finally did it!!
SO I bought a custom...
Hey everyone! I keep getting emails to post pics of all my red eye tree frog morphs.. Well here they are.
PS: They are SO much fun to photo graph! they just bounce all over the place and what not!
Big girl sitting on a piece of cork bark.
Getting ready to sleep the day away...
Hey Everyone! Some of you might know that I got in a BUNCH of CB Guentheri and CB Linned Leaf-Tails.
Well I got 1.0.13 CB Guentheri and got 3.6 CB Linned Leaf-Tails!! I am so STOKED to produce some guentheri!!!!!
PSS: Sorry if any of the pics are kinda blurry
Ok, For the pics!!
Hey, I got some baby Williamsi last night and set them up in cages and didnt have alot of time to look at them until now...
It seems as if I got a retic and a spotted baby from two retic parents... Does anyone know why or has this happend to anyone else??
I will have pics up tomorrow...
Here are some of my Breeder Cresteds!! Let me know what you think!!!!
Male #1: I love this boy! He even sticks his tounge out at you! lol!!
Male #2: FROGBUTT!! Love this male too!!
Male #3: My yellow pinner male!! Full pinstripe!!
Male #4: A very nice pinner from Dragons Den blood...
Here are some updated pictures that I took yesterday! I was going to post them yesterday but I got held up and had a surprise interview with the Denver Zoo!!! Yay!!
Enjoy the pics!
Thanks Erik
Hey, Here are pictures of my new Damaeus!! I got 1.3 adult breeding Damaeus!! They are SOOO cool! If you dont have any go get some QUICK!! lol!
Enjoy the pics and let me know what you think!!!
Female #1: Shes shedding in this picture!
Female #2:
Female #3:
Cage pic #1...
Ok, Well some of you might know that I bought a boat load of new Leaf-Tails for my collection... Here is the list with pictures!!!
I got 1.1 Adult CB Henkeli. The female has the Pied markings at night. You can see them alittle but the pied is alot more visable then in this picture!
Then I...
I caught my Williamsi breeding the other day and couldnt not take any pictures!
So here is a picture of them breeding! They layed two fetile clutchs so far on 4-23 and 5-19! I cant wait to have little babies jumping around!!
Thanks Erik
This is my FOUNDING pair of leaf-tails that I have had for about 3 years... They produce babies for me every year but I have never caught them breeding! The other night I walked in and saw this:
A few days before this the female was backed in her laying box and laying another set of eggs...
Ok, THIS is what a full pinstripe hatchling is supposed to look like!!
I LOVE this little guy! Even his "red" back pattern is kinda like a stripe!!!
Please let me know what you think! I will be getting a BUNCH of pictures after he sheds too!
Thanks Erik
LoL! My female layed me a very nice fetile pair of eggs this morning!!! I am sooooo excited!
I will be taking pictures tonight of them for everyone!
Thanks Erik
Hey, As some of you might know I picked up some Henkeli from a local buddy!! They are CB and BEAUTIFUL animals!
Here is the black and white female: These are her "day" colors, at night she gets really dark... I will have to take some pictures of it!!
This is the male: He has some very...
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