Cool S.A geckos


New member
Some pics of our amazing geckos here in South Africa.These geckos are in my personal collection.Bibrons Gecko






Jan Grathwohl

New member
Nice geckos - what species is the velvet? Wahlbergii?

I keep mariquensis mariquensis from Colesburg my self and must agree that these are very nice geckos.


New member
Ray,no barking geckos yet,not really the season for collecting(winter).I will be collecting and trying to establish some breeding colonies as soon as summer arrives.I should be getting some Pachydactylus capensis,Pachydactylus maculatus and Pachydactylus rugosus in the near future.


New member

I'd love to post new photos here, but my brand new Minolta digital takes too big of pictures. The files are like 400+k. If Nathan could somehow reduce the size for me, I would be able to. But here are old photos of a few of them, aren't they awsome! I have 2.3 of these, and hope to produce a fair amount this year.



New member
I'm working with a number of South African species. The only ones breeding at the moment are Pachydactylus tigirinis and P. fasciatus. Personally I think P. tigrinis is one of the most under appreciated geckos in captivity here in the US - their beautiful.

I'd be interested in hearing from other people that work with Pachydactylus.




New member

Good to see you here Chuck! You say you've got your P.faciatus breeding? That's good news! Did you cool them, or just put them together? Mine are all breeding size, but I think it's a bit late to cool them, although I may still do it, I haven't decided. Also, any other geckos breeding for you at the moment? Email me on the S.sthenodactylus, etc. Do you have photos of you Pachys?

Nathan Hall

Founding Father
I'm a HUGE S. A. geckos fan! I'm going to try to find some interesting Pachydactylus when I'm in Germany. I know there are several Europeans who work with them. They are not as common in the states, but I think that a good article could change all of that.


New member
S.A. geckos

S.A. geckos are probably harder to find or as hard to find as many of the Neph. and Diplos. I don't know why people don't give them a try if they can obtain them, they are awsome geckos, and most are very hardy. They are very hard to find here in the states, other than a few select breeders, but seem to be a little more common in Europe, and hopefully you will find some stuff in Germany that you can bring back, that would be nice. Are you vacationing or herp. hunting? Are you interested in obtaining some P.faciatus from me in the future? I have a good size group and should be able to offer plenty of babies when I start breeding them, I just haven't put them together yet.Take care.


New member
What species are you guys interested in?Funny how things are!!!!Here in South Africa some of the species freely availible to you guys are virtually impossible to get here .Due to our ridiculous import laws we are unable to import anything.A quick example Albino leopards only surfaced here 2 years ago


New member
SA Geckos

I am interested in all of the SA Geckos, but they are hard to obtain, although I may be getting some new species here soon, they are NOT easy to get.