Blatta lateralis questions.


New member
Was wondering other board members experiences with B. lateralis ?
What husbandry techniques do you use for them and what Gecko species are you feeding w/ them ? Thanks;

Ken Bartenfeld

New member
Now, I have ALOT ALOT of females...those are all the black ones...and there are tons of eggs throughout this little enclosure. I used a peatmoss/sand substrate. I will next time not have anything in there. I don't see the really big need for it. I as you can see use water crystals and feed them with some of James food from, I bought 15lbs of it and its doing great. Might try something new next time just to see results. Let me know if you have ANY questions Greg, you know I am here for you ;-)

Oh and I spray them once or twice a week, some times more ;-)








Ken Bartenfeld

New member
Ever since I watched that King Kong movie, roaches have been giving me the creeps. LOL! You have to see that movie everyone!


New member
I may try some lateralis on my geckos sooner or later. Man..They are some of the nastiest looking feeder roaches out there..

Ken Bartenfeld

New member
Hehe, no problem Greg, you know im here to help ;-)! Especially you! I keep mine at...let me see...they are right now at 82.3, but its usually at 88 with no problems...


New member
Hi guys,

I keep my lateralis in a rubbermaid, bare bottom (no substrate). I stopped using a substrate for all my bugs, actually. There's no need for it, and it makes it soooo much easier to keep them extra clean and odor free.

I feed them a home made recipe for gut-loading, and plenty of leafy greens, prickly-pear cactus pads (a customer of mine grows them for his tortoises) and fruits. I keep them in the 80's.

They seem to be accepted by most of my geckos. They are FAST, though, and sometimes neonates have a tough time catching them. They can also exude a weird, sticky substance when handled.

Greg, if you need a starter colony, let me know.

Tom Wood


New member
Oh man.. . just watched Nip/Tuck .. way scarier than any roach colony.

I keep B. lateralis too. Pretty much the same as these guys. I feed them to the A. felinis (until Marcus sends me those orientalis ;)). They seem to eat them readily, but they are fast. I use neonates to feed to my klemmeri. They are ideal for noturnal geckos though. Don't hide under as much stuff as lobsters and b. dubia, which can really wedge theirself under stuff.

Ken Bartenfeld

New member
Yeah, that one reason I like the and don't hide...

Here you go Chris...I do love my new toy!


Oh yeah, I forgot to add. I will actually sometimes add orange juice once or twice a week. Its florida and they are readily available...and also in the regular water, I will add a little of the herpitive mulitivitamins, as you can tell with the yellow colors water crystals...who knows if it works...

Riverside Reptiles

Administrator (HMFIC)
Anyone have excess lateralis (like 100 or so) that they want to sell at a decent price? I like my B. Dubias but would like to give the lateralis a try too.

Riverside Reptiles

Administrator (HMFIC)
Geckospot said:
Check I think Tom Wood (aquapimp) may have some for sale.

Thanks, I got my Dubia from James at I was happy with the service and all. James is a great guy. But I don't really want to spend $100+ to get another colony up and running. Nor do I want to start with like 10 or 20 roaches and have to wait months. Was hoping someone might have some excess they might want to sell. Seems like people tend to get a bit over loaded after a while. If not, no big deal. I'm very happy with the Dubia. Just thought I'd try something a bit different. And since I just got a Levis Levis pair I thought the smaller size roaches might be nice.