LEGAL exportation of geckoes from Australia to the US


New member
I attempted to allude to this topic in a previous post but it was deleted in the mistaken thought it referred to smuggling.
For those that are interested, there is a potential means of import into the US from Australia.
Recently the Australian government has allowed three shipments out of Australia (2 x freshwater crocodiles, 1 x turtles) plus our shipment of Varanus giganteus which was aborted part way because of financial issues at the US end.
There is one stipulation. The shipments are only allowed to be sent to EDUCATIONAL institutions (zoos, education centres, wildlife shows ). If you are interested in more details (and this post doesn't get deleted), just ask.

Nathan Hall

Founding Father
I attempted to allude to this topic in a previous post but it was deleted in the mistaken thought it referred to smuggling.
Yep. Sorry!

If you are interested in more details (and this post doesn't get deleted), just ask.
Don't worry, Dan. I explained my haste in the PM I just sent. Thanks for sharing this important information.


New member
Once they are in the US, they are US property. So, if you are pals with a local zoo then anything is possible. A friend of mine is the individual that acts as a "broker" with regards to liasion between the Aussies and the US. She has all of the paperwork handy and indicates that it is really not that big a deal. Its just one of those things that is kept quite so that nobody wants to actually do it. Like anything, it takes time, about 6 months from initiation of events. Cost to her is not ridiculous, I think she quoted $1500-2000 per transaction, regardless of number of animals. If this can be of any help, contact me directly and I will put you in contact with her and I can organise the animal side of things.


New member
Hi Danny
Are shipments possible to Europe? Does this cover CB/WC or both? Does the price you quote cover all of the costs (e.g shipping, handling, etc)? Very interesting certainly.
Many thanks,


New member
Nothing like opening a pandoras's box. I have emailed my friend who is the organising consultant to check that all is still possible. Once I have heard back from her, I will answer the 3 million pm's in my inbox. If we can help, we will do so.

Nathan Hall

Founding Father
Once I have heard back from her, I will answer the 3 million pm's in my inbox.
You asked for it, Dan :lol: I'm sure the stipulations are quite specific and rigid. This is all news to me.

The shipments are only allowed to be sent to EDUCATIONAL institutions
I hope the verification process is extensive. Please keep us posted on these shipments to the US. I've contacted everyone I know at some of the major zoos around the US to contact you.


New member
of course where i used to volunteer, just shut down :roll:

for the better though, that place was a craphole...but i would have used them to get some animals into the hands of dedicated keepers


New member
Could those individuals with a GENUINE interest in the importation of geckoes from Australia to the US please contact me on pm with your email addresses. All the relevant info is now at hand. My contact this end has kindly sent me what I need and has allowed direct consultation with her to nut out whether or not you are considered as a suitable facility based on the "educational " criteria set down but the exporting country. Please only contact me if you are really quite serious about this as Liz is a very busy person and the last thing I want to do is get her on the wrong side of our cause i.e. to get new bloodlines over to you guys. I would suggest if even one of you guys fit the criteria, that you work together to make this happen. I am happy to set aside 12 months production for export only if the ability is there to make use of it. Drop me a pm and good luck.


New member
So if this is possible, is the reverse possible to get new things to Australian "zoos"? This is a curiosity question, not a genuine interest.


New member
I'd be interested in seeing some Pseudothecadactylus in person, or maybe even in my room.... Dan, please let us know if there have been any updates as to the proposals.


New member
I wonder how many of these "educational" institutions will have rare (outside of Australia) animals for sale soon?