

Geckos Unlimited
Staff member
Just an FYI

Classifieds has been upgraded to the latest version.

Major improvement:

Shipping cost field. You can choose between
entering a fixed shipping amount/offering free shipping/determining shipping after the deal is pending.


Geckos Unlimited
Staff member
Bug in classifieds feedback

Seems there is a bug in classifieds that prevents people from leaving feedback... The classified system's developer is aware of the problem and is working on a fix. Hopefully we will have it very soon...sorry about any troubles


Geckos Unlimited
Staff member
New version has been released and loaded and the feedback is back online.


New member

Hi there. I'm new to this and wanted to post an ad but I don't have "enough credits". Can you explain this?


Geckos Unlimited
Staff member
They will be...I just have to fix that template... There's been a lot of stuff that needs to be updated after the software upgrade.


New member
Hey Marty... Can someone tell me how to get my credits credited? My $5 got sucked out of my account... Bought credits... Won't show up... Been emailing your site all day...No response... Can't respond to the email saying there was an error because is neglects to identify its' source... Livid.

Riverside Reptiles

Administrator (HMFIC)
Hey Marty... Can someone tell me how to get my credits credited? My $5 got sucked out of my account... Bought credits... Won't show up... Been emailing your site all day...No response... Can't respond to the email saying there was an error because is neglects to identify its' source... Livid.

I've contacted Marty. He'll get it straightened out and get back to you. No worries, all will be made right.


Geckos Unlimited
Staff member
Hi Johny,

found the problem. YOu bough credits with an "eCheque" which needs time to clear with your bank. Paypal says eCheck estimated completion: 4/7/2009-4/9/2009. That's why the status was "pending"

No worries though, I added few credits so you can start posting ads right away.



New member

... A lot. Really... I feel like the new kid in school who doesn't know his way around... So he tries to burn the school down... Thanks everyone!


New member
LOL - please don't burn us down! :)

I do understand about not knowing your way around. But it seems like things are working out for you now - I saw your ads! :)


New member

I went to post feedback on friday, and I got a message saying I had to have either been the seller or buyer for the ad to post feedback. I was the buyer, but the seller has not closed the ad yet. Is that why I can't leave feedback? It's my first time trying, so maybe I misunderstood some other part of the process.


Hello Iam still very new to this how do I support the forum site? Do I have to pay out some money or do I have to do something eles? Let me know thanks. :)


Great thank you Riverside now do this have to be pay by paypal or can I mail in a check some how? A check would be much moor easy for me to do let me know. :)