Hi everyone, I am jo van niekerk, the one some of you like to refer to as the amatuer...funny. I bought those animals from one of the major exporters allowed to export reptile species to the US and the EU. Typical Malgash they took the money and never got all the paper work together, and the big joke was the people who were the so called police and whom were extremely "saddened" by what happened. NON of you have any idea of what Africa and the Indian Ocean Islands are about, I do know that very few of you know where Madagascar is exactly. Point is they were rated to be amongst the top 10 poorest nations in the World, child trafficking and child prostitution is a daily hobby and how do you expect their govermnet to stop this if THEY are enjoying it so much themselves. Of the 1 year I was supposed to be in jail I did 6 months, good for me. As you all can imagine any jail in such countries can be uncomfortable and even though you can stay for free I would not recommend it. I can go on about how they treat their people but lets leave that for later. I have been a game ranger and all so it was to me a uncomfortable camping experience. Luckily as things could have been much worst. It did however give me the oppertunity to see what Madagascar is all about. Spineless people who would sell their mothers for a buck...POVERTY??? How long can they plead this?
They are clearing the forests at an enormous pace and I went to see first hand. I have spent alot of time there and other countries and it is depressing, how can you stop people from smoking lemurs, tortioses and boas such as Salzinia madagascariensis if there is nothing to eat?? And all the money spent by the US and EU goes into an empty pit. The Zoo at Tsimbazaza in Tana does not have enough food for all the animals yet their officials drive around in 4x4's. My animals were taken there with the promise to the media they would be "released", they all died at the Zoo as the "herp" their has no clue about even taking care of gold fish!! Had I had those animals still I would have bred them generation after generation ensuring the survival of those species, learning more about their biology and keep blood lines pure. When the company packs these animals to go to the US ( I have seen it, I doubt any of you have ) they are stocked up and maybe, just maybe 2 or 3 out of a hundred will make it...ALL OF YOU AS WELL AS I are herps and contribute to smuggling because WE buy animals...and stop singing CB, because every Exotic animal that came to our countries were imported ILLEGALLY otherwise how could we have started "captive bred"? Yes the US and EU had exotics being imported long before the CITES laws, so you already have had some numbers of particular species in your countries by the time these laws were made into effect. But as new species are discovered EVERYONE wants to be the first to breed them. I am doing well in case you all were wondering and am almost done with my studies and will go on to study life and its causes. I am still breeding snakes and lizards, and I am very into venomous snakes since I was a kid growing up in Namibia.
I know Africa does not have enougth time left, and when she is sorted much will have been lost by that time. With humans multilplying ( me as well it is any living organisms perogative and i like it) we are severely threatening sensitive biomes across the planet. The sooner we know how to simmulate an organisms habitat so that it can be prolific the better the chances of survival of highly endangered species. My advice is don't ever trust anyone in Mada and don't ever think they have business ethics. All the animals were in my travel case (non on me, media bullshit) and I had proof of where I bought them. It is only a 3 hour flight to Joburg and those animals would have been safe and happy in no time. Do yourselves a favour and go visit the zoo at Tana, but beware the herp that is or was there, he will try to sell some reptiles as well to make an extra buck. Don't take my word for it go find out for yourselves. Anyone who keeps an exotic animal or any wild indiginous animal should just shut up about the trade and focus on animal husbandry and keeping their animals happy. People like me and others make it possible for you to go to the shop and buy your cute bearded dragon and smile about it, and consiquently ensure the survival of the species. As I write this they are still slashing and burning Mada's forests and the new Government is selling the wood to China whom in turn sells it to the US and the EU for the most beautiful furniture. You see the government has no other way to pay their ministers as everyone withholds aid. Vicious circle isn't it...the system of the world. So ja, its easy to judge when you don't know the facts, I had a mouth full to say to a BBC reporter but the ASS##@ of the jail wouldn't let me speak. I hope though that those who sold me those animals and told me they had the right will get what they deserve, that is if I don't find them first...If I went and collected animals in the wild in Parks yes then I would say definitely I am guilty and had cruel intensions...this was not the case. As someone said what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Enjoy your pets, give them good homes cause they have come a long way...you wonder if they knew better would they have chosen to go or to stay? Take care!