Riverside Reptiles
Administrator (HMFIC)
Just wanted to let everyone know that there has been a new infraction added to the infraction system. It is for "Community Disruption". This infraction will be used when members cause problems by over posting, high jacking threads, or anything else that may disrupt the general flow around here. Going forward, we are also going to be a lot less tolerant of people that do cause these disruptions and will be using the infraction system more readily. The infraction system is also being revamped to be less forgiving. We don't like to have to ban anyone if possible. But those who don't respond to warnings and the infractions will have to go.
We're all here for our love of geckos. And we all need to try to get along. But we also can't allow the quality and integrity of the community to be spoiled by a few bad eggs. I still believe (as do many others) that we have the best resource of gecko information on the web. And we all need to work to keep it that way.
We're all here for our love of geckos. And we all need to try to get along. But we also can't allow the quality and integrity of the community to be spoiled by a few bad eggs. I still believe (as do many others) that we have the best resource of gecko information on the web. And we all need to work to keep it that way.