Uroplatus sikorae help please

Lunar Gecko

New member
I was sent a Uroplatus sikorae with no tail. The previous owner did not inform me of this till after the animal was on the way to my home. :( They said they were not sure when the tail loss had happened but it must have been with in the last few weeks. The gecko has been here since Fri and seems to be eating very little (but that could be from the move). I know its a LTC over a year and not CB. I'm worried about the tail and if it will grow back or if this could cause a problem. I know lots of WC satanic leaf-tails will die after loosing a tail and I hope its not the same for the mossys. I would like to breed her next spring, if I can find a male I like by then. If not thats fine, Im just worried about about the tail loss and if it could affect her heath.

this is her



New member
I actually just purchased a mossy with a regenerated tail, so no that is not the case. Your gecko looks very healthy, hydrated, like its got some good weight on it.

Just keep an eye out for suspicious behavior, but I do think she'll be fine.

Keep us posted and good luck,