bullseye spot on the bottom of egg


New member
Hi-first eggs for this super giant bandit female x w/giant bandit male. She laid the eggs on floor of the cage near the dry box even though she has a moist box with sphagnum that she goes in all the time-:roll: Anyway, then I found the eggs stuck in the paper towel and she was standing over them-she sees me and then steps on both eggs:cry: So I have 2 dented eggs that I incubated and in 3 days both have a bullsye spot of red veins:yahoo: Qestion is the bullseye on one of them is on the side and the other one is on the bottom side--this was how they were laying on floor of the bin she is in. I don't want to move them unless I should. I am very happy:D as this is our first fertile eggs, my kids are in awe of this whole process! We love our geckos! Thnx


New member
That's the very beginning stage, there's no specific side they should be on. As long as you don't roll them over anymore, you'll be fine.