UVB and D3 Supplementation question


New member
About a month ago I started using an Exo terra 2.0 UVB 15 watt (18") fluorescent tube on the warm end of my enclosure about 14" above the warm elevated tile. There is also another tile on top of his warm moist hide with some coverage from a broad leaved fake plant that allows him to get within 11"-12" inches of the bulb if he ever wishes to. I've noticed him there only twice. His enclosure is 48"x21"x21". The space underneath the heated tile is very dark and has another dark hide kept around 80F because of the heated tile if he wants to escape the rays. There are also a couple hides on the cool side if he feels that that is too warm which he uses occasionally, but not often.

Since I started using the UVB bulb I stopped dusting with Zoo Med Repti-Calcium with D3. I typically offered some crickets gutloaded 24-72 hours with Mazuri Hi-Calcium Gutload that contained a very small amount of D3 once a week, but it expired so he has not been getting any other source of D3.

Now my question is, would it be beneficial to also lightly dust with a supplement containing vitamin D3 maybe once or twice a month? I believe that some people do this with reptiles that demand higher levels of UVB. Or maybe purchase another gutload that has some vitamin D3 in it and offer that once or twice a week? Or is the use of a UVB bulb for a leopard gecko alone sufficient? I've been having a hard time finding answers myself so I just wanted to see what some of you might think. Any advice is appreciated! I can also provide other details of my husbandry if it is needed.
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Well-known member
It's very hard to know for sure. As far as I know, there's no way to measure exactly how much UVB a gecko is getting, and when it's too much or too little (except that the gecko will obviously develop MBD if it chronically gets too little). To add to the confusion, it's hard to know how much the gecko is taking advantage of the lights unless you camp out there (or run a webcam and then process the data every day). If you're counting on the lighting to supply UVB you will also have to change it every 6 months. My recommendation would be to leave the lights, if you want them up, and to dust with a supplement containing both calcium and vitamin D3 once a week. That seems to hit the balance between allowing the light to do something and providing additional supplementation just in case. I use Repashy Calcium plus.



New member
Thanks for your response, Aliza! I have noticed that he occasionally leaves some of his tail out while he is sleeping in his hide so he must be absorbing some of the rays. He also occasionally comes out of his hide during the day to switch hides. I've read some articles saying that a leopard gecko's thin skin absorbs more rays than the skin of a diurnal basking reptile, like that of a bearded dragon, so it is able to make use of the little amount of rays it may receive from their burrows or while out of its burrow during low light hours. For this reason I believe that his body is able to make use of some of the rays, but like you said its still all rather confusing and it's why I was wondering if I should add vitamin D3 to his diet. I may dust with the Repti-calcium with D3 once a week like you suggested. And I'll also look into the Repashy Calcium Plus!


New member
Hi JIMI, It's been a long time.:) I wanted to mention that if you decide to use UVB only, switch to a 5.0. The 2.0 is too weak. I don't know if you remember, but I do not use supplemental d3 (dusting). I use Zoo Med 5.0 and I feed Mazuri gut load as well. Due to the fact that your leo has adequate space, he can self regulate the amount of UVB. Of course go with what you are most comfortable with.


New member
Long time no see! Thanks for the suggestion! I was worried about the bulb being too weak, which is another reason why I was wondering if I should add vitamin D3 to his diet. I considered getting a 5.0 Reptisun, but I was concerned that the distance between the tile and the bulb was too close. It's about 14"-15" above the tile, probably closer to 15". The Repti Glo 2.0 seemed like the next best thing, but I've had doubts about it. So many concerns lol. I think I may even get a Solar Meter in the near future just because I want to make sure. I think I'll actually go with the 5.0 Reptisun now and see how it goes. Maybe in a few months I'll have an x-ray done to check out his bone density and to make sure he's doing well. Thank you!

Elizabeth Freer

Well-known member
What type top does your 48 x 21 x 21 inch enclosure have? wood? mesh?

How about a photo? :)

UVB rays passing through a mesh screen are significantly reduced. It says so right on the box (at least on the 5.0 ZM Reptisun tubes I use for my Phelsuma).


New member
The fixture is secured to the ceiling of the enclosure. There are two open slots with mesh that hold a CHE, which is not in use right now, and an incandescent lamp that I used to establish a photoperiod before I began using the UVB bulb. I had to take the pictures right now so their pretty bad quality. I turned on the incandescent lamp for the photos. They do my enclosure no justice lol. I can post another one tomorrow with the UVB light on.
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New member
Looks good JIMI. Just one concern, the position in which you placed the UVB bulb. It may not be a huge problem for a leo because they normally shut their eyes under it and just lay there relaxed. Unlike a diurnal reptile which are highly active with their heads up high. However. to be on the safe side, try to find a way to place it above instead.

Edit: Found this, Just a little info which can be helpful. Reptile Lighting Information
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New member
Oh I see what you mean. Unfortunately because of the way I initially built my enclosure finding a different placement for the bulb will be very difficult. But I was actually looking into the using the exo terra light unit to simulate dusk and dawn (which I think you've mentioned in a post that you also use?) that I believe would allow me to suspend the bulb in a different position. I think I'll position it directly overhead, in a diagonal position. Thank you for the link, it has a lot of good information!

Edit: So apparently the light unit I was talking about must be connected to two bulbs, not only one. I am searching for a suspendable ballast that will accept just one tube as opposed to two. From what I've gathered they seem to be more common in the UK than in the US. Until I find a solution I may just revert to my old supplementing routine to avoid any eye damage he may possibly sustain as result of the placement of the bulb. I'd rather be safe than sorry!
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New member
So I just went ahead and bought the Exo terra dimming light unit and the Reptisun 5.0 bulb. I'm going to use the Reptisun 5.0 bulb with the Repti Glo 2.0 I have now because Exo Terra suggests combining the bulb with a higher output UVB bulb. I didn't want to use 2 bulbs, but I'll try to make due... I read through the article and it mentions that a UVB fluorescent tube should be combined with a better visible light source because they produce less visible light, so I don't think it seems like a bad idea. The article mentions that placing full spectrum bulbs, such as my Repti Glo 2.0, above the cooler region so I may experiment with that position. I bought a couple pieces of decor and I'm going to rearrange a few things so that I can provide some more shade from the light on the warm tile. If anyone thinks this is a bad idea let me know!
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New member
I dont think it is a bad idea because you are using a 4 foot long enclosure, but I dont know anything about UV lights. But i would still offer D3 every now and again to be sure!


New member
This is the one I bought: Exo Terra : Light Cycle Unit / Electronic Dimming Terrarium Lamp Controller. I got the 2x20W unit from Amazon. There is another unit that functions only as a fixture and timer. It's the only controller of this kind that I've been able to find that's available in the US:/. Or maybe I didn't look hard enough.

I dont think it is a bad idea because you are using a 4 foot long enclosure, but I dont know anything about UV lights. But i would still offer D3 every now and again to be sure!

Thanks for the input! I'm thinking about offering vitamin D3 in the form of a gutload once or maybe twice a week so that he is getting very small amounts. I'm looking into either getting Mazuri, or trying something else. I'm still not too sure if I will offer it in the form of a supplement, but we'll see! I'm looking into the Repashy Calcium Plus that Aliza mentioned which I believe does have some D3.