New member
This summer I am getting $500 for doing farm work at my aunts (I'm not using all this on the gecko) and I was given the choice yesterday from my mother of a single gecko or multiple fish. I chose a gecko of course...I don't want to have the whole water chemistry and water changes. Anyways the tank I have is a 26 gallon standard bowfront all-glass aquarium. I really don't like the tropical geckos or Leo's that much either. I was wondering what warmer climate, desert or dry grassland gecko would work for my tank, I can only have one gecko at the time so if that helps at all. I wan the tank to be like the geckos wild habitat with live plants too. I will update when I decide what kind I want, open to suggestions and possible plants for the setup and how to set it up. Lastly this is my first ever gecko as well and I can only have the 26 bow, I cannot buy or get a different tank.