Please Help! Red Abrasions

beanie baby

New member
Hi everyone,
I'm posting for my friend, a new leopard gecko owner who went on vacation for 3 weeks and left her gecko with the care of her brother. She returned today and was told the gecko hadn't eaten and was acting off. Upon examination, she noticed the gecko had some painful reddish-brown marks on the stomach and tail. The gecko actually bit her, and was also biting at the irritated areas.
I honestly have no idea myself what could be wrong. I thought possibly a burn, but she told me that didn't seem likely. I'm not so sure though.
Could anybody help?


New member
Without properly examining the Gecko and speaking to the caretaker, nobody here can do anything but guess at causes and what may have happened to your friends Gecko.

It needs treatment for those wounds, whatever the cause. and I would strongly advise your friend takes it to see a qualified exotics vet before anything but topical treatment is administered.

If I was to guess, the affected areas look consistent with damage caused by quite serious burns.
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New member
:( my goodness that is pretty serious looking.....please get that little one some help. Keep us posted.