Male or Female?


New member
Hi I am new to owning a leopard gecko. Not my first reptile though. I rescued this one. My boyfriends brothers girlfriend got it from a reptile show( as a baby, he was labeled male) we went to, got its tank and stuff and left it alone. She fed it at the beginning then stopped buying it food anymore. Then she moved out the house and left him behind. That’s when I took him. Anyways, got him fatter(he was so skinny😞) and he is more tame to where you can hold him now.
Just thought I’d share that story of how I got him.
I was curious looking online at the difference of male and female geckos and it looks how you sex a bearded dragon (I own one) and I’m thinking wait this doesn’t look like a male? No one bothered to checked because of the label.
What do you guys think. Note he was pooping in the pic, he did not like being held in that position. <-Pic in link


Well-known member
It's really impossible to tell because all the signs that would determine sex (pores, bulges) are hidden by his leg and the poop. I'm tempted to say "female" but there's not enough data. You could try putting him in a clear container and taking a photo from the bottom.



Well-known member
It's really impossible to tell because all the signs that would determine sex (pores, bulges) are hidden by his leg and the poop. I'm tempted to say "female" but there's not enough data. You could try putting him in a clear container and taking a photo from the bottom.


Elizabeth Freer

Well-known member
A warm welcome to Geckos Unlimited!

How does your leo compare with this photo?

Sexing Leopard Geckos -- A leopard gecko's gender can be confirmed when that leo is over 5 inches in total length. That may happen when the leo is near 6 months old. Males can be distinguished from females by a distinct /\-shaped row of pores above the vent and by two hemipenal bulges below the vent. To see their vents, potential male pores, and hemipenal bulges gently press their bodies up against the glass. They'll squirm if you try to turn them over.