My Leo is not eating and has sunken eyes


New member
Thanks.. Yes he has this bubble but i am confused if i should stop giving him this Oxbow carnivore care now due to this?

It is protein or fat bubble? is there anyway to find out?


New member
Thanks.. Yes he has this bubble but i am confused if i should stop giving him this Oxbow carnivore care now due to this?

It is protein or fat bubble? is there anyway to find out?

I don't think there's any way of finding out. Keep going with the carnivore care since it's a temporary thing and it'll probably disappear when he gets back on his feet :3
i heard somewhere that the bubble is just calcium that hasn't been absorbed yet. but the carnivore care is good for a gecko like yours so keep her on it.

Elizabeth Freer

Well-known member
i heard somewhere that the bubble is just calcium that hasn't been absorbed yet. but the carnivore care is good for a gecko like yours so keep her on it.

Do you mean endolymphatic sacs where calcium is stored?

Other species of geckos have special sacs right beneath their ear holes. These are called endolymphatic sacs. Leopard geckos don't have those sacs.

The bubble Sam speaks of is maybe caused by excessive protein or fat. I doubt whether it would be calcium.
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Elizabeth Freer

Well-known member
How often should i be feeding him carnivore care?
Sam ~

I would feed Tiger Carnivore Care every other day. If he maintains his weight, that's good. If he begins to lose weight I would feed more CC, but still every other day.

Can you ask Tiger's vet regarding the amount of CC per day?

You have mentioned 50% RH. Is that in the tank generally (like room humidity)? You might add a deep water bowl on the warm side. That would increase ambient humidity in Tiger's home.

Does he seem to be seeing better?


New member

The Vet told me to do a mixture of the carnivore care and leave it in his house for him to lick whenever he wants it. I do offer him this every other day. I normally let him have a few licks from his spoon so i know he is having some before i leave the rest in his house. However, I don't think he does have any more from what is left. I have never seen this type of a sac before and therefore i am confused if i need to take him to the vet.
Its only a slight bulge however when he moves you can notice it more. I will send you a picture of this later once i am home.

The vet said half a teaspoon of CC.
I have been keeping another container of water on the warm side and his house is very humid at times over 80%, however his eyes still does not open his eyes properly. He only opens them wide few times.
Antibiotics drops have now finished so i am using the other drops to keep his eyes moist.

Not sure if i should take him to the vet again?

Elizabeth Freer

Well-known member
Hello ~

OK, 1/2 teaspoon of CC every other day.

I just checked a pouch of CC in my freezer. CC contains both vitamins A and D3 among other nutrients. At least for now Tiger should be getting what he needs in terms of nutrition.

I don't know how well Tiger can see. He does not seem to be going after it after your introduction. :( I hope that you have the time right now to let Tiger lick the whole amount off the spoon. That's the best and perhaps the only way for him to get it. It is a good sign that he will lick it off the spoon.

Keep the water dish you have on the warm side. It may help Tiger remain hydrated.

About the bubble/sac: Can you feel a squishy or hard lump?
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New member
The bubble is very soft. It doesn't seem to bother him when i touch it.
Yes I will feed him myself. I just thought it would be better if he knows its there and he has it when he wants some. I am not using a syringe. I prefer using a small spoon and he licks it off it.

Elizabeth Freer

Well-known member
The bubble is very soft. It doesn't seem to bother him when i touch it.
Yes I will feed him myself. I just thought it would be better if he knows its there and he has it when he wants some. I am not using a syringe. I prefer using a small spoon and he licks it off it.

Using a spoon is much better than a syringe, I think. :)

If the bubble grows, I would definitely see a vet.


New member
Tiger still has skin in his eyes. I just saw it today when i was putting some drops in.
I need to take him back to the vet so he can remove it. I can see it in both his eyes :(

I fed him some CC using a spoon and he was very well behaved and had quite a lot of it.
He must be hungry

Why is he getting more skin in his eyes? The last time the vet had a look he could not see any.

Elizabeth Freer

Well-known member
Tiger still has skin in his eyes. I just saw it today when i was putting some drops in.
I need to take him back to the vet so he can remove it. I can see it in both his eyes :(

I fed him some CC using a spoon and he was very well behaved and had quite a lot of it.
He must be hungry

Why is he getting more skin in his eyes? The last time the vet had a look he could not see any.

:banana: on the CC feeding, Sam! Keep your appetite up, Tiger. :)

I don't know why there is more skin in his eyes. Maybe what you see is something else? Please keep us posted.


New member
Hi all.. Hope everyone is well.

I have not been online for the last week.
Good news - Tiger is looking nice and healthy. Started eating his mealworms about 3-4 days ago.
He has had a good shed yesterday and is looking nice, bright and strong :) :yahoo:

At times he is still closing his eyes for few seconds so i need to keep an eye on that. Last vet visit about a week ago, a fairly big piece of skin was taken out from under his eyes.

Elizabeth Freer

Well-known member
Hi all.. Hope everyone is well.

I have not been online for the last week.
Good news - Tiger is looking nice and healthy. Started eating his mealworms about 3-4 days ago.
He has had a good shed yesterday and is looking nice, bright and strong :) :yahoo:

At times he is still closing his eyes for few seconds so i need to keep an eye on that. Last vet visit about a week ago, a fairly big piece of skin was taken out from under his eyes.

Was that the 2nd time a vet removed skin from Tiger's eyes? under his eyes?