Surprise Egg!

Nel laid an egg...I think there is another one in there. Is there anything I need to do for her - increase calcium or other vitamins, warm water soakes? She has a dig-box with coco-fiber, everything else is the same as it has always been. *Also she is only a year and a halfish old - 20 months to be exact.*

Some history - since June she has stopped eating completely, her tail is getting thinner, but she isn't loosing too much weight (now I know why). About two weeks ago she got really restless, pacing, digging at the glass, etc so I replaced her usual moist hide sponge with coco fiber just in case. For the past three days she's seemed really uncomfortable, laying sprawled out in the middle of the cage, and just off.
I thought there may be eggs, but I wasn't sure if I was seeing eggs or fat deposits lol. Now there may still be one left, but just to be sure, this is an egg right???....
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Well-known member
Yes, that's an infertile egg. Just keep up the supplementation and feed her as much as she wants to eat. I got some surprise eggs the other day as well, laid in the poop corner!

I got some surprise eggs the other day as well, laid in the poop corner!


This was in the poop corner too lol! Do they always have 2? Should I expect another one in a day or so, and if none appear, should I take her to work for x-rays to check for one? And when they haven't been bred to they still lay eggs every two to three weeks for the next several months...


Well-known member
They usually lay 2, but sometimes only 1. Some geckos who have not been bred lay every 2 weeks for quite awhile and others only lay 1 clutch. The gecko that laid had laid about 4-5 clutches (infertile) for me last summer and mercifully has only laid 1 clutch which I hope is it. You could look at your gecko's belly to see if you see anything on one side. My gargoyle and crested geckos have been laying infertile eggs all season.
