New member
Thank you for your concern. I can assure you that all my hatchlings from both species are thriving. Currently, they range in ages of 2 weeks to 2 months. Maybe you could post pics of your hatchling Williamsi setups and your feeding regimens. Useful info from other breeders is always greatly appreciated. I would also love to see who wrote the info on 95f basking areas for hatchling Williamsi. Please post a link if you can.
Because 2 months is such a short time to assume they are thriving, I searched for a caresheet and found one which I know off hand is very similar to how he keeps them. I would just hate for your little guys to suddenly fall ill. Please keep in mind that no caresheet is perfect. I hope you don't mind me pasting a few sentences which I really think are important to consider even as babies. Space is really is important in order for them to thermoregulate properly.
Small adult size does not necessarily mean these geckos should be placed in cramped quarters.
Basking spot temperatures can and should reach into the low 90s, while the coolest side of the cage can drop down into the low 70s.
I would not suggest dusting with D3 while using UVB which this caresheet does state. One of the reasons posting caresheets worry me.
Electric Blue Day Gecko Care Sheet - Lygodactylus williamsi
Best of luck