HELP with Lygodactylus Williamsi babies

Aad Kramer

New member
Baby williamsi hate to must water. Do not give them jellycups. When they fall in ,they cannot climb anymore. Look at their taile.,when it crincle you give to much water.give them smaller food.


New member
How did you get on - did you have success in keeping the baby williamsi alive? I've recently acquired 4 - an adult male and 3 juveniles (hoping for at least 1 breeding pair), the breeder that has sold them to me has been very honest and said that the babies are not very hardy in his experience and a 50% survival rating is good).
I'm keen to understand if the advice in this post has been successful and what other peoples success rates are.

Nathan, have you had any success in raising offspring? I'm considering a 1.2 trio of youngsters.


New member
The main problem has been getting the babies out - the parents are fiercely cannibalistic. So far I've only been able to fish 2 out before they got eaten, 1 had been chewed and didn't make it, the other is doing fine.
I've now got the 1 female laying into a film cannister stuck in the area where she likes to lay. When she's laid 4-6 eggs I then move the canister out into a tank and let the babies hatch out in there.
Speaking to a couple of breeders I know in the UK the key is having them set up pretty much identically to the parents but on a smaller scale. I've got a 'nursery' area now with 6 20cmx20xmx30cm tanks - a 10% UVB strip accross the top and heat bulbs set to about 27 celsius for basking spot, all tanks are bioactive setup and run into my main breeding area mistking so humidity is kept pretty high. Everything that's gone into those tanks seems to have flourished - the other species I did struggle a bit with as they're very fragile as well is Phelsuma pasteuri, but they seem to be doing really well in this setup too.


New member
I'm finally getting a 1.1 young pair of L. williamsi. If anyone has updates on breeding efforts I would love to hear them. Mine will be young so I have some time before I get hatchlings. I am going to use the mason jars in a 10 gallon, I think. This will allow for UV light and a heat gradient from bottom to top.


New member
Yes - once the babies are out and I've improved my nursery setups/technique I'd say my survival rates are about 95%+.

I gave up with small containers and keeping them on their own, they just seem to dessicate and die - they now go into go into Exo Terra nano talls (PT2601) - I put up to 5 babies into each tank and set it up as a mini version of the parents tank - I know someone else who has done the same thing and his survival rate has jumped from about 60% to 95% as well. In my breeding room I've got a Mistking setup so the babies are on the same system as the parents so same misting cycle etc (there's 6 juve tanks next to each other). I am about to try a slightly different setup using 8 litre plastic tubs that someone else I know has used with great success (they're cheaper than the Exo's!).

My current 'nursery setup' has a 10% UVB strip accross all 6 and I use Zoomed mini double domes - one double dome heats 2 tanks on a Microclimate Evo control unit, heat is set to 27 celsius, so a little bit lower than the parents.

I have lost 1 female and I suspect that's for 2 reasons - 1 she was possibly a bit too young to breed and 2 I think she was overbred - I dropped the temp in the tank but that didn't seem to turn the male off at all. Speaking to someone else who breeds them he said the only surefire way to go is to let the female lay about 5 clutches - 6 at an absolute maximum and then split them, so either get the male out on his own or move the female and give her a 4-5 month break.

On a side note - are you aware that these guys are going to be CITES Appendix I within the next 90 days? I don't know how that will affect you in the States.....


New member
Nathan, I think we were chatting on Facebook about these guys. LOL

Yes, I'm aware of appendix I listing. It should not affect interstate trade for us, just international import and export.